She needed to talk to them. She knew Harry deserved a private discussion; hopefully, the others would agree to a group session. Claire didn’t relish the idea of repeating her story over and over. She turned to the sound of the opening door.

“Hello, Ms. Nichols, I’m Abbey your day nurse.”

“Please, call me Claire.”

“Claire, what can I do for you?”

Claire asked about getting up and out of the bed. After Abbey checked the chart, she assisted Claire to the bathroom. On the way, Claire worried about her reflection. She hadn’t seen herself yet. She knew from Tony’s reaction she looked as bruised as she felt. Steeling herself for the worse, she bravely faced the woman in the mirror.

Walking to and from the bathroom required help. By the time they were done, her tubes were disconnected, she was sponged clean, her teeth brushed, and thankfully, her bladder emptied. Claire would have loved to wash her hair and add makeup to cover the various shades of bruises on her checks and temples, and the deep purple under her left eye. Nevertheless, she felt better.

This was in many ways easier than her accident. Although she tried not to make comparisons, they were staring her in the face: injury to head and ribs. Ironically the injuries ensued by a crazy greedy monster were less than those obtained by the man who claimed to love her. Claire continued to remind herself, Harry stopped Patrick. What would have happened if he hadn’t -- if Tony hadn’t called Harry -- if Phil and security hadn’t come? With her accident, no one stopped Tony. He stopped himself -- eventually. The most monumental difference was internally. Following her accident, Claire lost all desire to continue forward. She remembered a black hole of apathy. She didn’t feel that way now. Despite her battered appearance, Claire’s desire to live was stronger than it had ever been. She saw hope for better tomorrows with every new day.

As Abbey helped Claire back to bed, she handed Claire a folded note. “This is for you. I was supposed to deliver it once you woke.”

Claire took the paper and opened it:

I hope you and our baby are feeling better.

Perhaps you’ll feel up to arguing your destination

following your release.

(I am definitely ready) Claire couldn’t help but smile.

I want to see you.

However, I realize you need to speak to the others and

I don’t want you to overdo. I’m staying nearby.

Call me at the number below when you’re ready

for my visit. I’ll be there in minutes.

Fighting tears, she closed the note. At one time, Tony would never have given her the time and space she needed to deal with her family and friends. Although she wanted to feel his reassuring embrace, at this moment, his absence meant more and filled her heart with reassurance.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” Abbey asked.

“I would love some food. Can I eat?”

“Yes, I’ll get you an order card. You have many people who’ve been patiently waiting. Are you ready for visitors?”

“If Mr. Baldwin is here, would you please ask him to come in?”

Claire’s pulse increased and her stomach twisted. As Harry entered, she saw his clean shirt and freshly shaven face. “You went home?”

He held her hand; the spark she’d seen in his eyes yesterday was gone, the resulting dullness infiltrated his voice, “According to the nurse you didn’t want visitors. She said you were going to sleep. I knew you and the baby were healthy, so I went home.”

“Good, I’m glad you got a good night’s sleep.”

“I went home. I didn’t say I got a good night’s sleep.”

Claire raised her eyebrows.

“Tell me, Claire, what you wanted to tell me Sunday night. It wasn’t that we are having a baby, was it?”

She squeezed his hand. “No. It wasn’t.”

His face lowered to his chest. “I knew that last night, as soon as I saw his face and your expression when he arrived.”

“Thank you for saving him from John.”

“I don’t think your ex needs saving from anyone. Although you have to admit John has legitimate reasons for his feelings.”

Claire knew Harry was right, and she didn’t want to rehash any of that. “Still, thanks.”

“He saved you. I don’t want to even think about the injuries you endured because I didn’t answer his first call.”

“Harry, there are plenty of medals to go around; one is definitely yours!”

“Tell me – when?” His voice now distant, “Was it the night of the gala?”

“No!” She fought the urge to be defensive. “I told you, nothing happened that night.” She took a deep breath and continued, “It was the day he came to the condominium. I don’t want to discuss it, but the ultrasound confirmed the baby is two weeks older than it could be if you were the father.”

Harry nodded. Finally, he asked, “He already knew, didn’t he?”

“Yes, I told him this past weekend. I wasn’t sure I would, but I did.”

“What else happened this past weekend?”

Claire looked down. “Harry, I can’t tell you how much your friendship has meant to me; you’ve been so supportive. I understand if you want to hate me.” She looked up into his sad expression. His blue eyes looked distant. Her heart ached knowing she was the cause, “But, I hope you won’t.”

He stood and walked toward the door, “Are you ready to tell everyone? They want to see you.” Copyright 2016 - 2025