- Aristotle

Chapter 49

Claire didn’t knock, and she didn’t enter reverently. The sudden rush of his office door made Tony turn toward the commotion. His emails could wait. Her displeasure radiated throughout the room before she uttered a word.

“Tony, what the hell have you done?”

“What are you talking about?”

“After I got dressed, I checked my emails. One is a confirmation of my airline reservation cancellation.” She stood defiantly before him, “I did not cancel my reservation. I called the airline. They informed me my seat was sold. They have no open seats for my original flight or any others until tomorrow. I told you -- I was going back to California today; you promised me!”

He smirked, taking her tirade too well and fueling Claire’s anger. “I promised you,” he said with a smooth calm voice, “a return ticket. I am a man of my word; you have a ticket.”

“A voided ticket --semantics! I want to be on that flight!”

“Claire, listen to reason.” He gestured toward the chairs, “Have a seat.”

She looked at the straight backed chairs near his desk. How many times had she sat in those seats while he rattled off rules or perimeters for her behavior?

“No.” As the word left her lips, she watched the muscles in his neck tighten and his eyebrow rise.

“Very well, stand if you prefer. How are you feeling today?”

Claire glared. “You’re not changing the subject. I’m going home.”

“I hoped you would consider yourself home.”

Claire exhaled, paced the length of the desk and back, and collapsed into one of the chairs she’d just refused. “Tony, why do you have to push and push?” Exasperation came through her tone, “I truly have had a wonderful weekend, and I’ve surprisingly enjoyed being on your estate. But I have a life. I have plans. Amber is leaving for a conference, and I want to see her before she leaves. John and Emily will be in Palo Alto Monday. They’re spending four days looking for housing. I need to be there.”

“Amber is leaving? You will be alone?”

She misinterpreted his question, “I will not be with anyone in public, if that’s what you’re asking.”

His voice hardened, “That goes without saying. I’m asking -- will you be alone?” His volume rose, “Christ, Claire! Your condominium was broken into. It isn’t safe!”

“You are trying to scare me into staying. I’m not falling for it. My building has top notch security, Harry is utilizing more SiJo resources, and then there are always your people watching me. I lead a damn parade!”

“Your laptop was stolen.”

“Stuff happens – it isn’t cause to stop living.”

He tried to reason, “We have plans beginning Friday in Chicago. In your condition, you shouldn’t be flying all over the country.” She pressed her lips tightly together. The words forming in her head were not appropriate and would not add positively to their conversation. He exhaled and added, “In a commercial plane. Do you know how many people get ill after breathing that recycled air?”

“You’re really stretching here. Tell me, how I’m getting back to California today?”

He sighed, “I want to take you back upstairs and lock that door,” his eyes glared as he added with excessive emphasis, “from the outside.”

Claire stood and walked toward him. Her closed lips formed a soft smile as she peered deep into his dark eyes. There was a time the expression before her would have frightened her, that was no longer the case. Framing his freshly shaven face between her petite hands, she bent toward him. Their noses touched, and she brushed her lips to his. “Tony, I believe you. I know that’s what you want. I drove to town yesterday, and I came back.” She kissed him again. “I will go to California today, and I will be back to Chicago on Friday. Remember what we said the other night?” She didn’t wait for his answer, “We said we needed to trust each other.”

He closed his eyes and nodded; his face still in her hands.

She continued in her soft and steady voice, “I trust you not to lock my suite from the outside. You need to trust me to return.”

He reached out and encircled her waist, caressing the small of her back, above her slacks and beneath her blouse. She allowed herself to be pulled onto his lap. In response, she embraced his neck and listened to his gentler tone. “You don’t need to believe me. I know I need to earn that right. But I did not have anything to do with the break-in. It wasn’t a plan to scare you into staying here. I’m concerned,” he kissed her lips and moved his hands to her stomach. “And not just for you.”

Claire lowered her face to his broad shoulder as tears formed, “Thank you. From the moment I saw the little blue plus, I’ve been concerned, too. You have to know, I will do anything necessary to keep me and our baby safe. I just need to be in California, especially this week. I have a lot going on.”

“What if I told you, you shouldn’t have a lot going on? You deserve to rest and allow others to do for you. If Catherine knew about the baby, you’d never lift another finger.”

Claire suddenly remembered the two computerized pictures she had in the pocket of her slacks. “I have something to show you.”

He raised his brow, “Oh?”

She ignored his reference and removed the ultrasound picture from the pocket of her slacks. Tony’s eyes widened with wonder. “Is this what I think it is?”

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