Soon, though.

Parked at the curb, Vanity turned to face the passenger seat. “Did you need help carrying everything in?”

Tabby shook her head. She bit her lip, looked at the packages again—and drew in a shuddering breath. “I’m sorry!” Eyes wide, she fanned her face and tried to keep the sudden well of tears from falling. “I’m such a dope and an emotional mess and you’re being so nice and understanding, and for some reason that only makes it worse.”

Vanity stared in horror. The last few words had been a wail, and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. She reached for Tabby’s hand. “What am I making worse?”

“My stupid tears!” Tabby choked, the tears dropped, and frantically she pulled away to dig in her purse for a tissue. “Damn it!”

Vanity opened the glove box and pulled out several to hand to her. “Take a breath.”

She did, then let it out with more garbled apologies.

Stack hadn’t been kidding about his sister being dramatic. Never in her life, even after she’d lost everyone, had Vanity cried with so much...verve.

She sort of envied Tabby the ability. “I’d like to help, but I need to know the problem.”

Tabby blew her nose, blindly reached out for more tissues—which Vanity supplied—then cleaned the tears off her cheeks. “It’s not your problem to deal with.”

“We’re friends now. At least, I hope we are.”

Even more dramatic, Tabby said, “I hope so, tooooo!”

Vanity almost smiled at the forlorn way Tabby said that. “Friends share.”

Nodding, Tabby swallowed hard. Waffled, sobbed a little more, and finally confessed, “Oh, God, Vanity. I’m pregnant.”

“You’re...oh. Oh!” Her thoughts scrambled. “I think maybe that’s wonderful...isn’t it?”

“It would be. I mean, I love kids.” Hand over her midsection, Tabby said more softly, “I especially love this kid. And Mom will go nuts.” Her gaze sought Vanity’s. “I only just found out, and I’m not very far along. Only five weeks. But I want the baby. I swear I do.”

“I believe you.” Taking a leap, Vanity said, “You’re upset because there are other things to consider?”

“Yes.” Tabby looked down at her hands. “I was finally ready to admit that Stack was right.”


“Phil.” Tabby blew her nose again. “I found out that he hasn’t even been looking for a job. And he’s back to smoking dope. And Mom said he brought that bitch, Whitney, to the apartment.” Suddenly furious, Tabby looked up. “I put in all the overtime I can get, and Phil blows it on pot and partying with his buddies! That’s bad enough. But he knows I love my brother, he knows things are strained between Stack and me, and he knew, damn him, he knew how Stack would react to Whitney.”

“I’m so sorry.” Vanity’s thoughts scrambled. Clearly Tabby didn’t wonder if Phil had cheated with Whitney. Stack had said he wasn’t sure, but even if it did happen, maybe, for Tabby’s sake, it’d be better if she didn’t know.

Breathing hard, Tabby said, “You know Phil is a terrible person. Everyone knows. It’s not like Stack makes a secret of it.”

“Stack loves you, so he’s biased. I’m not sure he’ll be convinced anyone is good enough for you.”

That took the steam out of Tabby’s grief. “Really?”

Smiling, Vanity patted her hand. “You don’t know how much your brother loves you?”

“Sure I do. Even though we argue almost constantly, we’re still close. I meant the part about him not thinking anyone was good enough.”

Vanity had only guessed on that. “Brothers are like that, right?” Another guess, but from what she’d seen, most of Stack’s ire stemmed from concern for his sister.

“Well, he’ll be glad to know I’m finally leaving Phil.”

“I don’t think he’ll be glad. But it hurts him to think Phil doesn’t put as much into the relationship as he should. Your brother wants you to have an equal partner, not someone who takes advantage of you.”

“I’ve made such a mess of things. Stack could tell you that my whole life is disorganized.” Tabby did more dabbing of her eyes, and her voice went faint with worry. “Being alone scares me so much. Phil isn’t much, but I can barely take care of me, so how am I going to take care of my baby?”

This time Vanity could speak with more confidence. “You’re not alone. You have Stack and Lynn, and now we’re friends, too, right? I promise you, it’s all going to work out.” Again, Vanity took her hand. “When will you tell Stack?” Copyright 2016 - 2024