“You and my brother are getting awfully cozy.”

“I know.” Vanity still wanted to hug herself. “Stack is just incredible.”

Tabby laughed. “I can only speak about him as a brother, but, yeah, he’s pretty terrific.”

Vanity bit her lip, but she couldn’t hold it in. “We’re officially monogamous,” she blurted.

“You weren’t before?”

Oh. No, Vanity couldn’t actually explain about her illicit proposition to Tabby’s brother. So instead she said, “We’d sort of...tried it on for size. You know, to see if we’d suit.”

Grinning, Tabby said, “And you do.”

“We do!”

“I’m glad. Stack has dated some real wieners, but we like you.”


“Mom and me.” Tabby looked away and shrugged. “Phil, too.”

“I’m glad, because I like you and Lynn a lot, also.” She preferred not to touch the subject of f’ing Phil.

Vanity had prepaid, including gratuity, so as soon as they were done, they headed to the front lobby.

That’s when she got her first look at Tabby’s winter coat.

Damn. She’d arrived at the spa before Tabby and had already been in a seat when a hostess showed her in. Until now she hadn’t realized that Tabby wore a threadbare coat at least five years old. It didn’t look all that warm either.

Vanity took a quick peek at the clock. Bummer. If she didn’t leave now, she’d be late meeting with Stack. But surely he could wait an hour or two.

She couldn’t, in good conscience, send Tabby out into the winter storm without first trying to get her something warmer.

“Are you in a rush?”

Seeming very distracted and maybe a little sad, Tabby glanced back at her. “No. Just heading home to check on Mom. She’s feeling much better, even insisting that she wants to move back to her own place. I’ve liked having her there. She’s good company in the evening.”

Where was f’ing Phil in the evenings? “If Lynn doesn’t need you, do you think we could hit up the mall for an hour or two?” Vanity took her hands. “Please, please, don’t be offended. But I’m having so much fun, and you’re such great company, I’d love to spend a little more time with you. Shopping with a friend is as much fun as the salon with a friend.” She tried an engaging smile. “I know you’re on a budget, so don’t worry about that. This will still be my treat. A special day for the two of us. What do you say?” And to better her odds, Vanity added, “Pretty please?”

As Vanity watched, Tabby’s face crumpled. Her eyes went red, her bottom lip trembled, and she pulled away to cover her face with her hands.

Oh, no! Crying? Vanity didn’t hear any sobs, but the way Tabby’s shoulders shook alarmed her.

“Tabby?” Vanity inched closer, dipping her head to try to see her friend’s face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

In the next second, Tabby had her clutched in a hug so tight, Vanity could barely breathe.

Uh... Unsure what to make of that, Vanity awkwardly patted her back. “Are you okay?”

Tabby nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry. It’s just...” She held Vanity back, and to her relief, Tabby smiled. “You are the nicest, most considerate person I’ve ever known. And I...well, things have been so rough lately, and I guess I just...”

Vanity found her own smile, and this time she pulled Tabby in for the hug. “I know, I understand.”

It was a few seconds more before the women separated.

Tabby said, “Just let me call Mom to make sure there’s nothing she needs.”

“Ohhh, great idea! Tell her we’d love to pick her out something, too.”

Laughing, Tabby shook her head. “Mom will definitely refuse, but I’ll try.”

“While you do that, I’ll give your brother a call.” Still giddy about it, she explained, “We’re getting together again tonight.”

“He’s lucky to have you.”

“Thank you.” Bubbling with happiness, Vanity stepped a few feet away and thumbed in Stack’s number on her cell.

He answered with, “I’ve missed you.”

Awww. Her heart melted. “Same here.”

“Plan on going straight to bed, okay? I promise to feed you after.”

Vanity laughed. “This is probably a bad time to tell you that I’m going to be a little late. Maybe an hour or two.”

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