Stack moved his fingers in a light caress. “My mom and dad were devoted, to each other and to Tabby and me.” Some fond memory curled his mouth, then brought a short laugh. “Dad was outrageous. Until the day he died he chased after Mom like they were still teenagers. I remember one day we were waiting on dinner, and Mom bent to take a roast out of the oven. Dad smacked her on the butt, and when she protested, hitting him with the oven mitt, he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her until they were both laughing. Tabby and I pretended to be grossed out, but it wasn’t gross. It was just...nice. Normal. At least for us.”

“Other than a peck on the cheek, I don’t think I ever saw my dad kiss my mother.”

“You’d have been shocked around my house. They didn’t make out in front of us or anything like that. But Dad was always pretty demonstrative. I was twenty when a massive heart attack took him, and a week before that, he’d hugged me. A big bear hug. He was touchy-feely with the ones he loved, and that included my mom big-time.”

“That must have been so nice. My parents weren’t touchers.” She gave that quick thought. “Not around me anyway. But I don’t know how Dad was with his young, pretty mistress.”

“So you, and your mother, assumed he cheated because this other woman was younger and prettier?”

Vanity wasn’t sure. “My mother often said that love lasted only as long as looks did.” Feeling sick about it, she looked away. “She said having me had ruined her body, although it seemed to me that she worked out all the time.”

Stack frowned. “Is that why you work out?”

Snorting, Vanity shook her head. “I’ve always enjoyed being active. If I could swim or surf, that’s what I’d be doing. But there aren’t any oceans nearby.”

He grinned. “Not in Ohio, no. But we could hit up some waterparks if you want.”


He touched her face. “I’d enjoy it.”

Emotion burned her eyes. “Me, too.”

Easing the moment, Stack said, “I can’t imagine anyone prettier than you.”

A reluctant smile warmed her. “You’re sweet. Thank you.”

“Sweet.” He shook his head, then both his hands cupped gently around her neck, forcing her to make eye contact. “I think you’re beautiful.” Then, surprising her, he added, “Just as Cannon thinks Yvette is beautiful and Denver thinks Cherry is.”

What did that comparison mean?

Feeling very unsure, she said nothing.

“When a man is involved,” Stack continued, “married or not, but especially when he has a family, he should never cheat. It’s not just a betrayal of the person you promised to love, honor and cherish. It betrays the family unit, too.”

So many times she’d felt betrayed by her father. her mother, as well. Together they’d created a cold and uncomfortable atmosphere, the antithesis of family.

“No disrespect to your parents, but when someone cheats, it’s a reflection on the cheater, only. Your dad was willing to do that, so I don’t think it would’ve mattered what your mom looked like.”

Vanity admitted the truth. “I’ve thought that sometimes, too. Mom made it about looks, but I think maybe it was about a whole lot more.”

“Your father shouldn’t have done that. Your mother shouldn’t have accepted it.” Stack put a quick kiss on her mouth. “You sure as hell shouldn’t, and I damn straight wouldn’t.”

No, she couldn’t see Stack sneaking around. He was too up-front, and far too honorable.

As if he’d read her thoughts, he said, “I wouldn’t marry unless I could have what my parents had. And you can believe me, Dad always thought Mom was hot.” He grinned as he said it. “Didn’t matter if she was dressed up or wearing sweats while she cleaned the house.” Stack shrugged. “He loved her.”

Hearing him talk so earnestly about his family thrilled her. Practically overnight they’d advanced from one-time hookup to saving free time for each other...however long it lasted.

Stack tipped his head. “Understand?”

“Yes,” Vanity assured him. She got another button open, then tried to lead him back to his earlier statement. “You mentioned the other couples...?”

He didn’t deny that they were a couple, too. “You’re all attractive.”


He ignored the question. “I think you’re by far the hottest. But I’m willing to bet Cannon and Denver would disagree. Armie, too, given he’s hung up on Merissa.” Copyright 2016 - 2024