“That, yes.” She trailed one hand down, over those lust-inspiring abs that tightened even more with her touch, then lower still.

“Vanity,” he warned in a voice turned to gravel.

But he made no attempt to stop her.

Through the soft material of his jogging pants, she cupped his testicles, felt him stiffen—pretty much all over—and lightly fondled him. “I have no interest in Leese other than as a friend. But with you... I hope it doesn’t scare you off, but everything about you interests me.”

After drawing three quick breaths, he retrieved her hand from his pants and turned to face her. He kept his gaze steady, his expression impassive.

She couldn’t read his mood, and that worried her.

“If you needed help with the dogs, you should have called me. Not another man, Vanity. Me.”

Tricky. She licked her lips as she considered how to explain without irritating him more. “The thing is, I didn’t call Leese, he called me.”

His jaw worked, his right eye ticked. “He shouldn’t have.”

Indignation chased off her concern. Much as she loved Stack, much as she hoped for a forever kind of relationship with him, there were certain things she wouldn’t allow. “I want you, Stack. A lot.”

He didn’t book, and he didn’t look alarmed by that declaration. In fact, the slight easing at the corners of his mouth encouraged her.

Best that she get things cleared up right now.


His gaze went to the ceiling. “Always a ‘but.’”

“—you won’t dictate my friends to me.” She didn’t take friends lightly, ever. Leese, with his platonic caring and no-pressure support, was her second best friend, right behind Yvette.

Gaze clashing back to hers, Stack put his fists to his hips. “You can’t expect me to—”

“Trust me? Yes, I do. Just as I trust you.” Though he didn’t look receptive, she pressed closer and knotted her hands in his sweatshirt. “You and me, like you said last night. I agreed to that, remember?”

His hands clasped her wrists. “What I’m remembering is that you threatened to ask Leese to be your date to the wedding if I said no.”

Frustration twisted her mouth. “Again? We’ve been over this.” Going to tiptoe, she enunciated sharply, “I do not want to have sex with Leese.”

A cough sounded behind them.

Vanity froze, then dropped her head to Stack’s chest. “It’s Leese, isn’t it?”

Stack rubbed between her shoulder blades. She heard his amusement and his satisfaction when he confirmed it. “None other.”

Vanity twirled around with a strangled welcome. “Leese, hi.” He was now sweaty and undeniably sexy. Wind had tousled his dark hair, and his cold-chafed cheeks made the pale blue of his eyes more pronounced. Like Stack, Leese’s cut body did amazing things for sweatshirts and running pants. “The dogs behaved?”

“They have more energy than I do.” He laid the leashes on the counter and helped himself to a glass of water.

Stack tracked his every step with sharpened animosity.

Vanity nudged him, and when his gaze shifted down to her, she shook her head—an indication that he should knock it off.

He didn’t.

“Why’d you call her?”

Leese finished the water, his throat working as he drank it all. When the glass was empty, he put it in the dishwasher.

Stack didn’t miss how comfortable Leese was in her kitchen.

To Vanity, Leese said, “I let them into the backyard since they weren’t ready to chill yet, and I thought you were still painting.” He rested back against the counter, folded his arms, and finally addressed Stack. “I knew she had a lot to get done today. Just checked to see if she needed anything.”

Match, meet fuse.

“That’s exactly why I’m here.” Stack took a step toward Leese. “They’re my sister’s dogs. If Vanity needs help with them, I’ll help.”

Not even a little intimidated, Leese advanced a step, as well. “If it was Armie who’d helped, would you be staging a pissing contest, or is that just reserved for me?”

“You tell me. Is there a reason you’re different?”

Vanity threw up her hands. “Know what? You’re both asses, and I don’t have time for it. Let yourselves out. I’ve got work to do.”

Ready to make a grand exit, she headed for the basement stairs, but Stack snagged the rear of her pajama pants and hauled her back. Wrapping her up in his arms, this time with her back to his front, he said to Leese, “See you at the rec center.”

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