The breath she held came out in a gasp as he pulled her against him, locked an arm around her waist and took her mouth with hot, incredible greed.

Whoa. And here she thought she’d been on the ragged edge.

He was so much bigger than her in every way, he made her feel tiny and feminine and fragile. In all other situations her independent soul might have rebelled, but not now. Not with Stack. She trusted him 100 percent, and wanted him even more than that.

Flattening her hands on his chest, she smoothed over the solid wall of his pecs, up to those rock-solid shoulders. Heat poured off him, and—oh, God—he smelled so good. With his big hands opened on her, his mouth eating at hers, she forgot...everything.

The music and the conversation of other guests faded away. She tunneled her fingers into his hair and tried to get closer still.

Someone bumped into them; Stack didn’t stop kissing her. If anything, his tongue became bolder, exploring, tasting.

Laughter, probably from his friends, sounded nearby, and still he didn’t stop. He gathered her closer.

Jarred back to the here and now, Vanity pressed against him. A true gentleman, Stack immediately eased up.

Her lips tingled. Shoot, her whole body tingled. She drew in a shaky breath. “Wow.”

Proving he hadn’t, in fact, forgotten they stood in the middle of the floor at a friend’s wedding, he whispered against her lips, “Let me get you someplace private.” A softer kiss of persuasion. “I’ll give you reason to be wowed.”

Such a tempting promise.

Oh, how she wanted to haul him to the nearest quiet closet. But that would be dumb. What she wanted, what she hoped he ultimately wanted, would require hours, not a few frenzied minutes.

Voice filled with regret, Vanity explained, “I can’t go just yet.”

His rough growl proved his impatience.

“Very soon, I promise.” Adjusting their embrace, her arms around his neck, his hands at her waist, she put some space between them. “Let’s dance while you cool down and I—”

“Dream on.” But he eased his hold and fell into step with her. Gaze burning over her, then lingering on her cleavage, he asked, “How much longer do I have to wait?”

Vanity didn’t pretend confusion; she knew exactly what he meant, exactly what he wanted. “One dance. Then I need to get the bouquet out of the fridge and gather up some presents and—”

He groaned again, prompting Vanity to laugh.

“Let’s talk.” Maybe casual conversation would help cool his jets and give her a needed opportunity to regroup.

“Okay.” He leaned in. “I can’t wait to taste you—all over.”

All over?

“And to get you under me. Or over me. Your preference.”

“Stack.” Her shaky voice sounded weak. “Let’s talk about something that isn’t provoking.”

“Like what? Because honest to God, darlin’, after weeks of your verbal foreplay, I’m feeling pretty damned provoked.”

The smile came slowly. Teasing Stack was a true pleasure.

She wouldn’t mind teasing him for the rest of her life.

“Verbal foreplay?” she asked. “Is that what we’ve been doing?”

Holding her gaze, he pressed his hand lower to the small of her back...and beyond. When her eyes widened, he stopped, and his mouth tipped in his own small smile. “Yeah, you play with words, saying just enough to get me firing on all cylinders.” He ducked his head to steal another quick kiss. “Tonight your playtime is over.”

“I like playing,” she protested. With any luck she’d soon have uninterrupted hours with his naked body.

“I know you do. But now it’s my turn.” Stack tucked her closer and said softly near her ear, “I’m going to love playing with you.”

“Stack.” She hid her warm face against his warmer throat. She’d drunk very little, but his touch, his scent, intoxicated her. “Everyone is watching us.”

“Wrong.” His lips grazed her throat. “Denver is zoning on Cherry. Armie’s trying to figure out how to dodge Merissa, Miles and Brand are hooking up with some locals, and Leese is surrounded by three young things actively trying to convince him they’re not too young.”

It was the last that had her leaning back to take a look. She and Leese had grown close. She thought of him as her pal, and he accommodated her as long as he didn’t have other plans. Whenever she needed an excuse to be in the same area as Stack, or a platonic date to one of the fight competitions, Leese stepped up for her. Copyright 2016 - 2024