Trying to sound blasé instead of uneasy, she said, “I know I’m a mess. But you’re in a tux, so—”

He shook his head. “How is it you look this good? I watched you get ready in under two minutes. Your makeup is gone. You didn’t even comb your hair, much less do all that other stuff women do. You’re wearing jeans and this—” he lifted the edge of her big poncho “—blanket thing. And still you look like a centerfold model.”

“Wow.” The laugh hopefully covered her embarrassment. “Just what I was aiming for—something from a spank mag.”

“You succeeded.” Ignoring her sarcasm, he kissed her again. “Buckle up.”

She watched him circle the car and get behind the wheel. He backed out of the driveway and onto the road. Using a button on his steering wheel, he brought up his hands-free calling. A second later a phone rang from the car speaker and was immediately answered by a shrill female voice.

“Where have you been?”

In contrast, Stack sounded like calm personified when he replied, “What hospital? I’m on my way.”

“Finally!” And then, with annoyance, she named the local county hospital.

Not far away at all, Vanity realized. So, did that mean Stack’s family all lived nearby? If so, how come she’d never seen any of them?

Keeping to the speed limit, Stack drove from the quiet back streets and headed for the main drag. “How’s Mom?”

“I don’t know!” his sister wailed. “The doctors haven’t told us anything yet.”

Knuckles going white on the wheel, Stack went from relaxed to tightly wound. “Us, meaning fucking Phil is there?”

Fucking Phil? Vanity had no idea who that might be, but clearly Stack didn’t like him.

“Of course he’s here—with his wife.”

“Guess there’s a first time for everything.”

Whoa. Vanity didn’t need to be psychic to pick up on all the bad feelings. She made no pretense of not listening in, and even put her hand on Stack’s shoulder.

When he frowned at her, she smiled.

Blowing out a breath, he returned his attention to his sister. “So, what happened?”

“I don’t know. She just collapsed. I got home and...” The voice faded, then picked up anew. “When Mom fell, she hit her head. There was blood everywhere. I freaked.”

“Listen to me, Tabby. Head wounds bleed a lot. You should know that. Was she hurt bad or was it just a cut?”

Silence, then a choked sob. “I don’t know!”

Good God. If Stack didn’t still look so calm, Vanity would have been scared to death for his mother.

“Let me talk to Phil.”


With a hoarse laugh, Stack said, “I can’t hurt him through the phone, sis, so just put him on.”

“He went to the snack area to get a Coke.”

Stack’s chest expanded on a frustrated inhale. “He should be right back, then.”

“No, probably not. He was going to get some air, too.”

“Yeah, good thing he’s there with his wife, offering so much moral support.”

“Go to hell, Stack!”

As if that didn’t faze him at all, he said, “I’m on my way.”

Overcome with relief, she said faintly, “Thank God. Hurry, please.”

“Try to keep it together until then, okay, sis?”

“I...I will. Stack? I’m scared. I don’t want to be here alone.”

Alone? Vanity glanced at Stack. So, as he’d said, the man who must be his sister’s husband was of no use at all.

Stack said softly, “I know. Just hang in there. It’ll only take me ten minutes, tops.”

“Love you.”

“Ditto.” Stack disconnected and, like a bubble waiting to burst, silence filled the car.

Vanity tried to be patient, but when Stack said nothing, she gave up with a mental shrug. “Who’s Phil?”

Irritation bunched his shoulders. “Fucking Phil.” He flashed her a warning glare. “Stay away from him, okay?”

“Sure. But who is he?”

“My sister’s asshole husband.”

Oooookay. “That much I got from the conversation.”

Running a hand over his head, Stack cursed low. “He’s trouble. That’s all you need to know. And seriously, steer clear of him.” Again his gaze came her way, dipping over her with what felt like territorial privilege. “If he so much as looks at you funny, I want to know.” Copyright 2016 - 2024