He had large fists, his knuckles burly from punching the speed bag, the heavy bag—and the bodies of opponents. But everything on Vanity was smooth and sleek and sexy beyond all fantasy.

While he played with her, her breath caught in that same way it had in the shower moments before she began tightening with a climax. Hearing those sexy sounds now triggered something in him; impatience faded under red-hot determination.

“Even without makeup, you are so fucking gorgeous.” He lightly trapped her swollen pink nipple between his finger and thumb, tugging gently, rolling enough to get her squirming again.

In a wisp of sound, she said, “Looks fade.”

Odd reply, especially for a woman in her midtwenties, while in the middle of foreplay. “Maybe.” No matter her age, he couldn’t imagine Vanity being anything other than stunning.

“No maybe to it,” she argued with her eyes closed, her head back. “Women get older and everything changes.”

Sensing some hidden insecurity behind the words, Stack frowned at her. “Men age, too.”

She turned her head away. “It’s different.”

For a single heartbeat, he forgot about sex, about the red-hot lust pulsing through his body. A butterfly kiss to her cheek brought her face back around, her lips seeking his. He obliged her with a kiss that felt both sweet and, because this was Vanity, molten hot. “It’s nature’s way,” he explained, drawing her closer, “for two people to age together and neither notices because they’re in love.”

Her lashes lifted, and her gaze locked on his. He saw startled confusion, dark secrets—and he saw heat.

Stack waited, curious as to what she’d say. But when she finally spoke, it was with mild complaint and a change of subject. “I thought you were in a hurry.”

The glide of his fingers over her abdomen made goose bumps rise. “Changed my mind.”

Her eyes flared. “But—”

“I want to savor you. Now hush while I get back to it.” Lightly dragging his fingertips back up her ribs, he teased around one breast, with each stroke getting closer to her nipple. She tried wrapping a hand around his neck to draw him in for a kiss. And he let her—to a point.

But instead of her mouth he bent to her other nipple, circling it with his tongue. Wet and pink, it beaded tight, spurring him to draw her in, to suck lazily. He took extreme pleasure in the way her body shifted, how those small sounds caught in her throat.

The lift of her hips convinced him to redirect, and he caressed his way down her body, over her ribs, the pronounced indent of her waist, the flare of her hip. He clasped her upper thigh, then rose up to see her face.

Head tipped back, eyes closed, she inhaled through parted lips. Seeing her like this...well, he wouldn’t mind seeing her this way a lot. For weeks. Months.

But she hadn’t promised anything close to that, so he’d make the most of the time they had.

“Open up for me.” Ensuring she did, he urged her legs apart until her knee bent, leaving her exposed to his hungry gaze. He filled his lungs with needed oxygen. “Nice.”

Balancing on his elbow, he looked at her mouth, then had to kiss it, first her full bottom lip, then the upper before sealing his mouth over hers. She grabbed for him, turning the kiss hungry, her tongue seeking his—still with her legs open.

Her mouth was hot and sweet, and somehow kissing her was so much more than it’d ever been with other women.

He didn’t like that thought, especially since Vanity had a damned stopwatch ticking on their time together.

To regain himself, he rested his hand low on her belly. “You wet again, darlin’?”

Thick lashes lifted, and she stared at him. “You’re naked, touching me. Of course I am.”

Holding her gaze, he whispered, “Let me see.” Using his palm, he rubbed over her until she again lifted to his touch. Little by little he curved his hand so that his fingers slid over her with each up and down rub.

“Ah...God,” she breathed.

Damned if she didn’t look close to coming again. He wanted her to. A lot. With two fingers he slid over her slick lips. “Yeah,” he growled. “Nice and wet.”

“Stack,” she said on a vibrating moan.

Using her own slick moisture, he moved up to her swollen clit.

Brows pinching in acute pleasure, she bit her lip, and her hips flexed up to meet his touch, to stroke in counterpoint to his.

“You wanna say please again, darlin’? I do like hearing it.”

She lifted to him. “Ah... Stack!” Her breath caught, and she twisted. “Please, please, please.”

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