The guy she loves.

And he’d accused her. Walked away from her.

He’d made her cry.

Looking less angry and more instructional, Leese said, “I tried to steer her in the right direction, you know? But she doesn’t totally catch the cues. She wanted to get your interest when I knew you were already hooked.”

Hooked, reeled in and happy about it. Stack drew a deep breath and released a lot of resentment. “She’s mine.”

“Well, hallelujah.” Cannon smiled. “I think she’s the one you need to tell.”

Armie gave Stack a shove. “I’d say you should ice those knuckles again, but it’d probably be better if you just grabbed a shower and got on your way.”

To Vanity. Right. That sounded like a fine plan. And with that decided, urgency had replaced the anger.

He’d showered with haste, thrown on his clothes, and had just gotten into his car when she called. He’d been all ready to explain, to reiterate that he cared.

But a second after that, Phil had walked in on her.

So now, driving as fast as he dared, keeping the call on speaker, Stack listened in.

He could hear Phil talking but couldn’t understand everything he said. Something clattered, and he imagined Phil moving into the shop, stepping around the space filled with a variety of items.

Vanity, who probably stood near the counter, came through loud and clear when she said, “You actually think I’d give you money again?”

More mumbling from Phil, and then, as if he’d gotten closer to her, Stack heard, “You have to help me. I don’t have any other choice.”

“You lied to me, Phil. You said you needed the money for a job.”

“Yeah, a lie. Sorry ’bout that. This time I’ll be square with you. Swear.”

“All right.” Vanity’s voice faded, got stronger again. Was she moving around, too? Fear choked him when he realized she might be trying to keep space between herself and Phil. “How much do you need now, and why?”

“Two grand. I know, I know. It’s a lot.”

With a shrug in her tone, Vanity said, “Not really, but I don’t have that much on me.”

“I need it now.” Phil hesitated. “How soon could you get it?”

Again Vanity moved away from the phone. Stack imagined Phil stalking her, and the visual made his entire body tense. Hang on, darlin’. I’m almost there. He wanted to call the cops, but he wouldn’t disconnect the call. Hoping Armie would understand, Stack withdrew his second cell and used the bat signal. When Armie answered, Stack whispered, “Get the cops to Yvette’s shop, stat.”

No questions. “Done.”

Stack disconnected with Armie and concentrated on the open call with Vanity.

Only a few more minutes and he’d be there with her.

“Get real, Phil. I won’t give you a dime unless you tell me why you need it.”

Knuckles going white on the steering wheel, Stack silently prayed that Vanity wouldn’t push Phil too far. At this point, Stack didn’t know what the man was capable of—but he kept remembering that gun in Phil’s dresser, and his guts burned.

Phil no longer had that weapon, but had he gotten another?

“I’m going away,” Phil groaned.


“I don’t know yet.” Something crashed, like a fist on a desk. “She’s framing me!”

Soft, soothing, Vanity said, “Whitney. I know.”

She knew? Stack checked the traffic, then blew through a yellow light. What the hell did she know? What was Whitney up to?

Stack’s surprise was nothing compared to Phil’s.

“You’re working with her,” Phil snarled with rage. “You fucking bitch.”

“Phil!” Vanity’s voice snapped with authority. “Don’t be more of an idiot than you’ve already been. I’m trying to help you.”

Heavy breathing came through the line, and Phil asked, “Help me how?”

Convincing, calm, Vanity told him, “I hired a PI when I thought you were the one trying to hurt Stack. I know he can take care of himself, but not if someone sneaks up on him...although, I guess he handled that situation, too.”

“He’s a fucking wrecking ball.”

“Yes, I know,” Vanity said with pride. “Anyway, I hired the PI to find you.” With satisfaction, she added, “He found you with Whitney. He heard everything. He’s with Whitney now, keeping tabs on her.”

Phil’s breathing was so audible, Stack could hear it even through the call. He sounded desperate, and that made Stack desperate, too. Copyright 2016 - 2024