She put her arms around his waist and hugged him tight. It was a unique thing, being hugged by a woman who matched his height. Leese gave in, indulging in one hug while breathing in her scent and thinking of what could be if he wasn’t determined to be scrupulous.

She released him with a smile. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” He turned to leave—and almost plowed into Armie.


ARMIE STOOD THERE, his damned feet glued to the floor as Leese walked past and deliberately shouldered him. Under his breath, he muttered, “Make up your mind before it’s too late.”

What a joke. He could make up his mind a dozen times, but it wouldn’t change anything.

Merissa looked as frozen as he felt, then she forced a smile. “Lurking in hallways, Armie? Tsk.”

“I’m thinking lurking is better than whatever the fuck you had planned.”

She puffed up like an imminent explosion. With her long legs, she reached him in one stride. Angled in, her nose almost touching his, she snarled, “You don’t have the right to—”

Armie kissed her. Hell, he didn’t mean to. Actually, he’d meant not to.

But she had her mouth right there, all soft and sweet and within reach.

He didn’t stop at kissing her. No, once they touched, he all but lost it, backing her up to the wall and pressing his body to her body and dying just a little.

She was long and lithe, her thighs aligning with his, her breasts a soft cushion for his chest. She wiggled, and he went hard in a heartbeat.

From beside them, he heard, “What is it with you guys tonight? Is it a full moon or something?”

Shit. Armie took his tongue from her mouth, his hands from her body and, trying hard to regain his sanity, turned to face Rowdy. He would have shielded Rissy, but she was so tall there was no way to hide her.

One look at the amusement in Rowdy’s eyes and Armie ran a hand over his face. “Jesus. Sorry, man. I...” What could he say? She pushes all my buttons. Or I’ve wanted her too long to keep resisting. Maybe I need her so fucking bad I can’t stop thinking about it.

“I get it.” Rowdy made a point of not looking at Rissy. Armie wasn’t so lucky; he got the full force of Rowdy’s no-nonsense stare. “I suggest you find someplace more private.”

Wrong. That’d be the absolute worst thing Armie could do. But he nodded, and thankfully Rowdy left.

Keeping his back to Rissy, Armie tried to calm his galloping heart. Impossible. With his brain cells all focused on how she tasted, how it felt to finally feel the warmth of her body flush to his... Jesus.

“I liked that, Armie.”

Her small, quiet voice nearly took out his knees. She liked it. He shored up his weak resistance, and, both dreading it and needing it, he turned to face her.

Ah, hell. Eyes soft and aroused, lips swollen, she watched him with unspoken invitation.

An invitation he couldn’t accept. “Fuck me,” he complained, one finger pointing at her. “Don’t do that!”

She blinked.

Armie took a step back, ran into someone and muttered an apology.

Rissy touched his arm. “I wasn’t—”

“You’re giving me those ‘I’m ready’ looks, but no way in hell are you ready. Not even close.”

She licked her lips and asked suggestively, “Ready for what?”

God. He tried not to, but his gaze went over her, and he breathed harder, imagining her naked, sweaty.

Under him.

“For any of the stuff I want to do to you.”

He didn’t miss her stiffened nipples pressing against her sweater. He wanted her in his mouth. He wanted to suck on her, maybe bite her lightly, make her squirm.

Make her come.

She whispered, “I can imagine what you’re thinking.”

“Don’t,” he warned.

She reached for him.

He quickly sidestepped. “I mean it, Rissy.” His eyes burned. His cock strained. Physical and emotional need pulsed hotly inside him. “Don’t imagine. Don’t think about it. Don’t fucking tempt me. Just...don’t.”

She staged a visual standoff, but Armie held his ground. He had to. He’d lost enough of himself to know it sucked. He wouldn’t take from her just so he could feel better.

Finally, her eyes getting glassy, she turned and hurried away through the bar.

Fucking felt like someone just pulled his heart from his chest. He wanted to punch the wall, but he had better control than that.

If he didn’t, he’d be on her already.

Time for him to go. Copyright 2016 - 2024