Vanity fretted. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

He set the coffee aside and pulled her from her seat. “That’s my line to you, darlin’. I know how independent you are, but I want you to use extra care.”

“I’m always careful.” She put one hand to his chest and bit her lip. “Stack...”

Feeling indulgent, surprised to see her so shaken, Stack hugged her close. He’d gotten used to her being unshakeable, a rock impervious to cold or exhaustion or worry. But he supposed death threats from old girlfriends would make any woman antsy. “I’m sorry we got off track this morning. I was really looking forward to being debauched.”

Nothing. No laughter, no jokes. She just tightened her hold on him.

“Hey.” He tilted her back. The worry in her eyes squeezed his heart. “It’s going to be fine.”

She briefly closed her eyes, then squared her shoulders and nodded with new determination. “Yes. It will.”

The sudden about-face sparked suspicions. “You’ve done enough, okay?”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“Gifts for my sister?” he reminded her. He stroked back her hair, liking how it slid silkily through his fingers. “The urge is always to make her life easier. Believe me, I know. I did it for years myself. But it hasn’t helped. She needs tough love, not coddling. At some point she has to start taking care of herself instead of making bad decisions that always compound her problems.”

“She’s getting rid of Phil,” Vanity reminded him.

“Yeah, and I’m damned proud of her. It’s a step in the right direction. But it’s only the start. I want to encourage her, but I also want to let her get there on her own, at least as much as she can. It’ll mean more to her, and I think it’ll do a lot to restore her self-esteem.”

“She’s not you, Stack.” Vanity’s hand touched his chest, right over his heart. “You’re more resolute than most. You see things very black and white. But Tabby needs a little more help.”

“Mom has been running behind her for years. That’s only made it easier for her to screw up because there’ve never been any real consequences.” He needed Vanity to understand. “I love her. I want to see her get it together. Especially now that she’s going to have a baby. I just don’t think anyone can get it together for her. She has to want it enough for herself to make it happen.”

Vanity watched him a moment longer, then she smiled, a real smile this time. “You are the most amazing man.”

Thankful that she no longer looked so upset, he teased, “Not sweet, huh?”

“Amazing and very, very sweet.” She stepped in closer. “You don’t mind if I buy her the occasional gift?” Without giving him a chance to reply, she explained, “I like her. I promise I’m not just schmoozing you. Tabby and I enjoyed a day at the spa and shopping, and just because she doesn’t have her own money to spend doesn’t mean I should have to go alone. She’s really grateful, and I have a lot of fun with her and—”

Stack quieted her with a finger to her lush lips. “It’s your money, babe. I can’t tell you how to spend it. I just ask that you use moderation.”

She nodded.

He moved his hand only so he could kiss her. And that, he knew, was something he’d enjoy doing for the rest of his life.

Kissing Vanity was about the nicest thing he’d ever experienced.

“For the record, I know you would never use Tabby, or my mom, to get closer to me. You’re more honest than that.” He drifted his thumb over her downy cheek. “You’re the most up-front, honest woman I’ve ever met.”

Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

With Tabby’s announcement, everything had just changed in a very big way. A baby.

That thought, soft and sweet, made him think of other soft, sweet moments.

Moments with Vanity.

He was excited about being an uncle, but when he considered it, it was with Vanity at his side. He leaned down, kissed her bottom lip, her jaw, her temple. “I care about you, Vanity.” That didn’t feel adequate, so he added quietly, “A lot.”

She went still, but it didn’t worry him. One way or another, he’d ensure that Vanity felt the same. She was his, now and always, whether she realized it yet or not.

Blinking big eyes at him, she whispered, “You do?”

Stack nodded. “Tonight, after we get home from Rowdy’s, I’m going to show you how much.” Copyright 2016 - 2024