Chapter Eleven


After everything I've done for her--after everything I'm doing for her--she better have one hell of a good excuse for putting me through this.

She'd be nothing if it weren't for me. I took her in when she had nowhere else to go. If it weren't for me, she would have had to crawl back to her crack-whore mother. Just based on the things she's told me about her childhood, she's way better off with me and she knows it. A mother who brings home a new sleazy husband every other month? I'd like to see her go back to that shit.

But if she's fucking around, that's the first place I'll drop her off. I'll be the first one to shove her right through her crack-whore mother's front door—back into a trailer full of rotating step-fathers who get off on hiding in her closet while she changes clothes.

"Do you want me to try something else?" Jess says, pulling my focus back into the moment. She's on her knees at the edge of the bed. "It's not getting hard."

I lift up on my elbows and look down at her. "If you knew how to fucking do it right," I say. I stand up and scoot her a few inches across the floor and brace my hands against the wall. I close my eyes and imagine she's Sloan kneeling in front of me instead. Except I imagine she's crying, begging me to keep her. Pleading for me to save her again, just like I had to do the last time she did something this stupid.

The thought of Sloan is all it takes. I grab Jess by the hair and shove my dick in her mouth. I keep one hand braced against the wall and the other hand tangled in her hair while she does her job.

Who in their right mind would take Sloan to a restaurant, knowing she belongs to me? To Asa Jackson? Whoever he is, if he knew the things I could do to him—he never would have done it. No one has that kind of death wish.

"Fuck," I say, irritated at the way the rubber gets in the way of feeling her tongue. I pull out of her mouth and rip the condom off.

"Oh, God," I groan when her tongue greets me skin to skin. "That's more like it."

I pump her mouth a few times while she twists her hand around my dick. She's good, but I know she can do better.

"Take it all," I say, moving her hand away. I wrap my hands in the back of her hair and press myself into her mouth until I can feel the back of her throat. The gagging sound she makes every time I push a little further into her makes me explode within seconds. I grip the back of her head with both hands while she struggles to pull away, but I hold her head firmly in place until I'm finished. She's clawing at my thighs, trying to pull away so she can breathe. I finally release her head and watch as she falls to her hands on the floor, coughing and gasping for breath.

I pull my pants up and button them. "Tell Jon thanks for sharing," I say to her. "Your boyfriend is a hell of a lot more generous than I am."

She wipes her mouth and stands up.

"Fucking bastard," she says. She slams the door on her way out.

"Fucking whore," I mutter.

* * *

When I go downstairs, Jon is seated at the bar with Dalton and Carter. I grab a beer out of the fridge and take a seat with them.

"You didn't tell me she could deep throat," I say to Jon, twisting the top off the beer. "Lucky bastard."

Jon glares at me, leaning back in his chair. "I didn't know she could."

I laugh. "Well, I don't think she knew she could either until about five minutes ago."

Jon sighs and shakes his head. "Goddamit, Asa. I told you to go easy on her."

I laugh and take a sip, then set the beer back on the table. "The only girl I go easy on is Sloan."

Carter lifts his beer to his lips, eyeing me while he tilts his head back and gulps. This kid has a major staring problem.

"Speaking of Sloan," Jon says, pulling my attention back to his. "When will you return the favor?" He laughs and takes a swig of beer.

The jackass is laughing? He thinks he made a fucking joke? I pull my leg back and kick his chair as hard as I can, sending him and his beer backwards onto the ceramic tile. I stand up and look down at him, my hands clenched in fists.

"Sloan's not a fucking whore!" I yell.

Jon pulls himself up off the floor, then proceeds to bow up to me like the idiot that he is. "She's not? Guess you found out why she was on Ricker today. She wasn't off fucking some guy like you thought?"

I lunge forward and punch him in his goddamned filthy mouth. He falls to the floor and I kick him in the ribs. I drop to my knees and go in to punch him again, but Dalton and Carter are pulling me off of him before I have the chance. He scoots away from me and wipes at his bloody mouth. He looks down at his hand and back up at me.

"Fucking bastard," he says. Copyright 2016 - 2025