Of course, it must have been difficult for Gerald. Like Sam, he had no part in it, yet she had drug him into it with a phone call. No wonder Alex was so upset with her for calling him. It was totally unprofessional - as it was right now discussing their problems with Sam. If only she could reverse this day and start over. Of course, if she could reverse today, she could go back and reverse the accident.

"Well, that's all water under the bridge now," Carmen said.

Sam helped her into the saddle and then mounted her horse.

"Where to?" she asked cheerfully.

They rode the lower trail. One thing was certain. Sam was an excellent horseman - possibly as good as Alex. She knew a lot about the safari animals, mentioning a few things that even Carmen didn't know. Finally she turned an excited face to Carmen.

"This is even better than I had imagined. You must be really proud to have accomplished all this. How many acres do you have?"

"We have a little over 160 acres, but we aren't using all of it right now. I'm thinking about starting some trails on the south side. It's pretty much untouched right now - and unfenced."

It was nice having someone who could talk knowledgably about the animals - someone who not only understood their interest, but shared it. She lost all track of time until she looked up and saw Alex riding toward them. She caught her breath and glanced at her watch.

"Oh my gosh! It's almost 5:30. I've kept you longer than I intended."

Sam smiled. "I've enjoyed it immensely."

Alex caught up with them and dropped a stern gaze on Carmen.

"Are you supposed to be riding?"

"I can ride. I'm just not supposed to be pulling myself up with my left arm." She indicated Sam. "This is Sam Collins. She's applying for the job."

Alex leaned sideways and stretched a hand out to Sam, "It's nice to meet you, Sam. Are you from around here?"

Sam accepted his hand and laughed. "Well, not technically. I'm from Arizona, but I've spent the last three summers within 5 miles of this place."

Carmen smiled. "Sam is studying to be a veterinarian. She's also a farrier."

Alex had turned his attention to Carmen when she spoke, but her words sent it scurrying back to Sam.

"That's interesting. Where are you attending college?

With those words, Carmen lost both of them. She turned her horse back toward the house and they followed, deep in conversation. Between veterinary school and the animal safari that had been Alex's dream, it should have been no surprise that they had common interest. Still, she felt excluded. It was childish and she should get over it.

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