“Gathering firewood.” Hunter motioned to the fireplace. “That’s our only source of heat for the moment. Hadn’t planned on letting us freeze to death. And I didn’t expect to get shot in Tessa’s backyard.” He raised a brow.

“Ashton said you charged him.”

Hunter smiled inwardly. Yeah, he had. Like a wolf with a mission. Hunter lifted a shoulder. “He shot at me twice. I got closer so he could see I wasn’t game.”

Tessa raised her ski cap off the coffee table and poked her finger in the hole. Seeing the way she did it, made him think of things he shouldn’t be thinking.

“I’d say Hunter could press charges against Ashton for attempted murder,” Tessa said, her expression indignant. “If he’d managed to hit Hunter in the head, it would have been murder. With the lines down and my Escort unable to navigate in the icy conditions, we would never have been able to get help for him.”

The sheriff’s eyes bulged. He rubbed his chin and looked like he’d finally been put in his place. “Who the hell are you?”

“Hunter Grey, Tessa’s boyfriend. Tell Ashton to hunt somewhere else from now on.”

The sheriff narrowed his eyes and looked like he could shoot Hunter himself for telling him what to do, especially concerning his son. “If you’re Tessa’s boyfriend, why weren’t you at the trial, giving her moral support?”

“He’s been away,” Tessa said. “Just got in late yesterday afternoon.”

He glanced back at Rourke, then warned Hunter, “Watch yourself. The community’s had enough bad publicity over Michael’s criminal activities. Don’t let me hear that you’re causing any more trouble.”

Hunter wanted to retort that as long as he didn’t keep Ashton’s company, he would be fine, but he kept his mouth shut.

“Hunter’s a celebrity,” Rourke proudly exclaimed, his chest puffed up twice its size.

All eyes turned toward him.

He raised his brows and smiled like he had the greatest news of the century. “He’s an ex–Navy SEAL. You probably noticed the great shape he’s in.”

The sheriff’s narrowed eyes grew rounder.

Rourke nodded. “Yep, a real celebrity in our sleepy little community.”

Her expression still fierce, Tessa motioned to the sheriff. “Tell him about the intruder.”

Hunter hadn’t planned to mention the gray. He would take care of the lupus garou. But he didn’t have much choice now. “The guy broke into Tessa’s place twice and knocked out Michael’s window the one time.”

“You’re not suggesting—”

Hunter shook his head. “No, Sheriff. A man broke in, but it wasn’t Ashton.”

Tessa folded her arms. “The guy stole my gun.”

“File a report at the office when you have time.” The sheriff gave Hunter a warning look. “Heed what I say, Mr. Grey. Watch your step. I keep a safe district.”

Right. That’s why Michael is in jail, the killer is on the loose, your son is shooting innocent people in the middle of the night, and someone’s stalking Tessa.

“Did you know Bethany Wade was your son’s lover behind Michael’s back?” Hunter asked casually, watching to see the effect the news had on him. Did the sheriff already know? Or was he as clueless as everyone else?

Rourke’s skin turned colorless. Tessa appeared just as pale. The sheriff’s expression grew crimson, and he looked like his head was ready to explode. Hunter wasn’t sure if that meant the sheriff knew or not. To his credit, the sheriff didn’t say anything, whipped around, stalked off down the walk toward the patrol car, slipped on the ice, landed spread eagle, and swore a few choice words. Hunter smiled and closed the door only to face Rourke and Tessa’s angry expressions.

“What? It’s true, isn’t it? He needs to be aware his son isn’t the angel he appears to be. If he even appears to be that.”

Tessa groaned. “You just made an enemy of the only man in the county who can make your stay—and mine—a living hell.”

Rourke ran his hands through his hair and collapsed on the sofa. “You’ve really done it now.”

“Good thing you were here, Rourke. I’m sure the sheriff would have made more of a scene otherwise,” Tessa said.

“Thanks. I think. You should’ve told the sheriff you were a Navy SEAL, Hunter.” Rourke gave him a devious smile. “He listens to that kind of talk. Set him back a peg or two. If he thought he could bully you, he lost his nerve.”

“Yeah, but according to the rumor mill, the sheriff’s known to hire ex-cons to get his point across,” Tessa warned.

“Maybe we should hang a sign out that says ex–Navy SEAL lives here.” Hunter feigned annoyance as he headed into the kitchen.

“Hey, I imagine you’re used to keeping your former occupation secret, but for now, I’d say it could save your ass.” Rourke followed him into the kitchen and cast him a warm grin, as if he was honored to be on Hunter’s good side.

“Can’t hurt. The sheriff will tell Ashton for sure. He won’t want his only son getting hurt if Ashton thought to mess with you again,” Tessa agreed.

Hunter opened one of the cans of tuna fish on the kitchen counter.

“Oh, for heaven’s sakes, let me do that. I can at least make lunch.” She pulled a jar of mayonnaise out of the fridge.

“At least if he calls in heavy muscle, they won’t want to mess with an ex–Navy SEAL either.” Rourke grabbed the jug of milk from the fridge.

“Unless they have something to prove. Badge of honor, best one of the government’s finest,” Tessa warned.

Hunter leaned against the counter and watched Tessa poke a butter knife into the mayonnaise jar. Her hips wiggled slightly as she worked on the sandwiches, which made his body tighten with need.

Attempting to get his mind off her sweet ass, he thought about his supposed Navy SEAL training. He had learned a few maneuvers over the centuries that could help him deal with just about any scenario, which he could pass off as Navy SEAL expertise. Some martial arts training, taught by some of the best, too. At least he thought that’s where he learned all his lethal moves as a human. And why he remembered that but not his last name, he hadn’t a clue.

Tessa finished making sandwiches and they sat down to eat, but all Hunter could think of was retiring to bed with her. The way she pushed her hair out of her face, licked her lips, smiled, raised her brows at him in question, made him want her all the more. Not that his wanting to go to bed with her only had to do with the craving he had for her—to get along in a human’s world, lupus garous adjusted to daytime activities and slept part of the night, since they still participated in nighttime activities. Which meant naps during the day were often a necessity. But napping with her was even a greater necessity.

After they ate lunch, Hunter snagged Tessa’s hand, the heat from her touch making him wish he knew whether he had a mate or not all over again. “Why don’t you clean up, Rourke, while Tessa and I take a nap? We didn’t sleep very well last evening. You can pull guard duty for now. I’ll be staying up some of the night to watch for this guy’s return. I figure he’ll be lurking in the woods nearby.”

Initially, Rourke looked annoyed that Hunter was taking Tessa to bed. But when Hunter mentioned guard duty, recognition reflected in Rourke’s gray eyes and his expression turned to concern.

“All right?”

“Yeah, of course. I don’t have all the training you do, but I’ll think of something.”

Hunter was pretty sure no one would mess with them during the day. “Just holler if anyone intrudes. I’ll come running.”

“Sure. I can do that.”

Hunter stalked toward Tessa’s bedroom, hauling her with him. Her hand tightened on his as she rushed to keep up with him.

“Are you in a hurry?” she asked, her words laced with amusement.

“I feel like a tired old dog. Don’t you?”

“Speak for yourself. A sleepy cat maybe, but a tired old dog?” She smiled up at him, her sparkling green eyes and shiny red hair a tantalizing combination. “Never.”

“A cat?” He chuckled, slipping his fingers through her silky strands. “Sounds like we could get into quite a tangle.”

“Yeah, and I’d come out on top.”

“On top? Not underneath?”

She rolled her eyes, but her cheeks turned crimson. “I meant as in winning.”

When they walked into the bedroom, she stared at her floral sheets thrown in a bundle on the floor. “He did this?” she whispered.

Hunter had forgotten he had removed the sheets. “No. I did. I’m sorry, Tessa. I didn’t want to mention it, but the bed smells like him.”

Her eyes grew huge. “He got into my bed?”

“Do you have any other sheets?”

“Yeah. But he really got into my bed?”

“Yep, he did.” The bastard.

She pulled out a fresh set of blue and white striped sheets from the linen cabinet, and Hunter helped her remake the bed. “Why would he do that?” she asked, her voice threaded with worry.

“He’s a sick bastard.”

She paused as they were pulling the blue velvet comforter back in place. “It’s someone I know, isn’t it?”

“Probably. But maybe not anyone you know well. He might be someone you met just once, but I believe he’s fixated on you.”

“A stalker?”

Worse. “Something like that.”


“I’ll take care of him tonight.” He yanked off the sweatshirt, and Tessa’s eyes shifted to his bandaged arm.

The wound felt like it had nearly healed, but the bandage sported dried blood so it looked worse than it was.

“I’d better change that bandage.” She reached out to touch his arm.

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