“No!” cried the sorcerer, and raised his hands to bespell both Truth Teller and the princess.

But a crowd of swallows suddenly appeared and swarmed about his head, diving at his eyes and plucking at his hair. Truth Teller drew his sword and with one swing, cut the sorcerer’s head from his body.

At this, the swallows suddenly dropped to the ground and became men and women who bowed before Truth Teller. Long ago they had been servants of the castle before the sorcerer had stolen it from a prince and bespelled them. At the same time, the statues of knights and warriors turned once again into living men, for they had once been fellows who had tried and failed to rescue the princess. They dropped to their knees as one man and pledged to make Truth Teller their lord and master.

Truth Teller thanked the servants of the castle and the knights most solemnly, and then he turned to the princess. He looked into her eyes and said, “I have a castle, servants, and men now, where before I had only the clothes on my back. But I would renounce them all to hold your heart, for I love you.”

Princess Sympathy smiled and placed her palm against Truth Teller’s warm cheek. “There is no need to renounce your newfound wealth. You already have my heart and have held it since that day you gave me the sorcerer’s ring and wanted nothing in return.”

And she kissed him.

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