She was brought out of the past and into the presence with a jolt as Andy put the car in park. The restaurant seemed more like a bar in the back woods but, she was not one to judge a book by its cover. He watched her expression change from shock to curiosity. She was a complex woman who seemed to take all things into perspective. He held a hand out for her to get out of the car so that he could close and lock the doors after her. Jordan's gaze riveted around the entire restaurant as she absently placed her hand in his. He led her toward the door watching with an amused grin as her eyes darted everywhere; taking it all in. "What is so funny?" She asked taking his offered arm. "You're like a child at the fair. You miss nothing. I simply find it appealing that you could be so curious about everything around you."

Jordan held Andy's arm and let him lead her into the out-of-the-way restaurant. Her breath caught in her throat as they entered the wooden door. She was now standing in a beautifully decorated room with booths lining both sides of the wall. In the center was a garden of tropical flowers, plants and fountains. Small crystal chandeliers hung above each table. They waited just in the doorway for the hostess, to seat them. Jordan took in the romantic charm of the place and was shocked when the hostess walked up and hugged Andy. A tinge of jealously clouded her huge blue eyes as she turned to look from Andy to the hostess. Her features were flawless. Long chestnut hair hung to her waist in soft waves, which contrasted with the ivory of her smooth complexion. Hazel eyes the color of stained wood explored Jordan uninhibited for a moment before giving her an approving smile. She turned to Andy and spoke to him in what sounded like French, and laughed. He turned to look at Jordan and smiled warmly. Jordan was now beginning to become irritated because suddenly she felt like the third wheel. Andy turned back to the girl and said something to her in the same language as before. She motioned for them to follow her as she led them past the beautiful garden to the back of the place. She could see a dance floor with a live band. The light jazz was soft and made her feel like she was floating in a dream. They were seated a few booths from the dance room.

Several couples were swaying softly to the romantic music in the dimly lit room. He studied her face for a moment before he spoke. "Do you like it here?" Her inquisitive gaze darted across the room taking in everything and nothing all at once. "Yes, very much so. Thank you. This is a wonderful place to help me relax." He smiled. "I thought you might enjoy it. I come here a lot when work starts to get to me." She nodded toward the hostess. "That would explain why the hostess knows you so well." Jordan smiled shyly at him before picking up the menu that had been placed in front of them. "If I didn't know any better I would say that you were a bit jealous." He gave her a devious grin, which she matched with a murderous glance of her own just above the menu. "So what's good?" She asked purposely ignoring the statement and looking at her menu. "I like the flounder myself, but I don't know what your taste in seafood is like." "I enjoy all types of seafood for the most part. There are only a few things that I do not eat." Jordan studied the menu for a few minutes before the waitress appeared and asked if they were ready. Andy looked at Jordan inquisitively. "Yes, I'm ready." The bouncy waitress turned her full figured hips in Andy's direction as she faced Jordan. She was cute in a different sort of way. Her brown eyes set off her fiery red hair, which was cut in a bob of sorts. Jordan looked at the menu again before she spoke "Seafood salad with vinegar and oil dressing on the side and iced tea to drink; Un-sweetened please." "Will that be all Ma'am?" "Yes. Thank you." Jordan smiled. Copyright 2016 - 2024