Putting down her cup after swallowing the last of her second cup of tea, she suggested that Clark join her on a tour of the market and the rest of the island. "I'm very sorry but I have some business arrangements to make. Perhaps you would like to join me for dinner this evening and dancing on the beach." Jordan beamed. "Of course, I would love to." His smile was disarming and warm as he stood and reached a hand out to help her up. "It's settled then; I'll pick you up at eight o'clock." Jordan smiled with giddiness over the fact that she had made a date and didn't feel guilty about it. "Thank-you for your companionship." Clark kissed the back of Jordan's hand and with a smile he turned to lead Jordan through the busy restaurant to the exit. Once outside the restaurant he turned to Jordan and kissed her hand once more. "Good-bye Jordan Mackenzie." He stated with a broad smile before turning on his heel and walking away hurriedly. Jordan watched as he maneuvered deliberately down the crowded market toward the line of hotels and houses along the beach as an eerie feeling crept up her spine. His last words shook her but she pushed her annoying thoughts out of her mind. "You can't think that every guy is going to die the moment you speak to him." She scolded herself softly as she watched Clark's retreating back growing smaller. He had walked about twenty feet when he heard a loud commotion coming from where he had left Jordan and turned around to see the cause of the noise.

Jordan was shocked when Andy grabbed her arm and began dragging her down the alley next to the restaurant. "What in God's name are you doing here? Let go of me!" Andy's face looked grim and his grip on her upper arm tightened, as he moved her quicker down the alley. "Just shut-up and come with me!" He shouted back over the loud commotion of the market. "I most certainly will not! Take your hands off of me! I will not be bullied by some local playboy who seems to have picked me out as his next victim! Please just leave me alone." Jordan pleaded and jerked her arm out of Andy's grip. Andy grabbed her arm again." Jordan you have to listen to me! I don't like the way that guy is looking at you. He looks suspicious to me." Andy's eyes showed more irritation than his voice. Jordan raised her chin defiantly. "Clark? Why he's a perfect gentleman; next to some people I know." Andy looked at her as if she were mad. "How can you say that? He stated frustrated. "Please if you don't mind I'd like to make my own decisions from now on. Thank-you for your concern, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself." Jordan tried to pull her arm from Andy's grip but it was too strong. She let out an exasperated cry and jerked again this time freeing her arm from his grip. Caught up in their own heated argument, neither Jordan nor Andy saw that a local boy had entered the ally after them and had left a package lying ten feet from where they stood. As the teen boy walked away he tossed his cigarette on the ground in front of him and never looked back. The man watched the argument between Jordan and Andy from his apartment window across the crowded market street. When the boy leaves it will be time. He thought to himself.

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