Jordan was lying on the floor with a gag in her mouth with her hands tied behind her back to her ankles. Clark touched the smooth skin of her arm before ripping the front of her dress down. He was going to enjoy this. He ran his hands over her body touching everything visible and invisible. "Too bad those guys would be here soon he rasped or I'd really have some fun with you before I killed you." An unconscious Jordan just lay there unaware of his touch or his words. He put his hand on her breast but before he could go further he heard the truck that would have Andy inside approaching. With a sigh he reluctantly pulled her dress back up and walked over to look out over the ocean. He heard them dragging Andy's body up the winding staircase of the old lighthouse. "Bring him here boys." He motioned for them to bring his body over to where he was standing by the window. They dropped him in a heap on the floor and then the talker of the two turned to Clark. "So where's the rest of our money?" "Right here." He answered reaching with his right hand into his sports coat. "Hey nice and slow don't try anything funny." The other answered as he pulled a gun from behind him and aimed it in Clark's face. Clark simply smiled at them. "I thought we had a deal gentleman?" "We do. Just make sure that you pull your hand out nice and slow. We don't want any trouble."

Clark did as they asked. He pulled his hand out along with a money clip full of hundreds. He tossed the clip over to the speaker of the two. Here's your money gentleman now if you don't mind I have work to attend to. Both men backed up slowly toward the stairs. When they were headed down and out of sight the gun was finally lowered. Andy was just starting to come to when they left. Clark walked over in front of him, and placed his hands menacingly on his hips. With a sneer he spoke to Andy. "So glad you could join our little party. I'm sure that Jordan will be glad to know what kind of person you really are." "What are you talking about?" Clark just simply walked over to where Jordan was still out cold on the floor and he touched her arm. "She sure is a pretty little thing would you not agree. It's a shame that you're going to kill her." Andy just stared at Clark through the darkness with daggers in his eyes. He had to think of something and fast before it was too late for both of them but the bump on his head was throbbing to the point it made his vision blur. I have to keep him talking he thought at least till my head clears enough that I can form a plan. "So you're going to kill her and frame me? That sounds nice and all but just how do you intent to do that I mean aren't you worried that I might kill you first?" A long slow laugh escaped his lips. "Not in the least. You see my friend I know where you were hit and I know that right now your brain is so muddled that thinking would be impossible for you especially, since I had you drugged as well. This shocked Andy and Clark could see the look of surprise and confusion clearly written across his face. "So if I've been drugged then how is it that I can kill her?" Andy asked still trying to do anything to prolong whatever seemed to be a part of this guy's sick and twisted plan. "That's where I come in my friend. You see I think it would be just awful for Jordan to know that you are a drug trafficker and that her husband was your supplier. It will all be right here." He held up a miniature tape recorder for Andy to see. Andy looked at the small recorder not quite understanding. "What makes you think that will do anything?" Clark laughed a deep and sinister laugh. ""I plan to tell Jordan everything but it will all sound like you." He pulled something else out of his pocket that Andy didn't recognize, and put it up to his lips. "He laughed into it and it sounded like Andy's voice to his surprise. Clark made a full confession on the miniature recorder while Andy lay on the floor too stunned to discover that Jordan's husband could not only be involved in the tangled web but put her and Cody in danger in the process. Anger rose in his gut like bile. No matter what he said the tape would have a voice that sounded like his. He sat up now and tried to get the rope binding his hands loose. What could he do? In his condition he was not capable of rational thought much less attacking this creep. His vision was blurred and his brain refused to fully function. He heard rather than saw Jordan start to stir. Clark noticed as well and crossed the room to where Andy sat on the floor. He leaned down and picked Andy up by his shirt collar and leaned him against the rail of the window. "Okay buddy here we go don't try anything funny or it will be all over for both of you." Andy's head was still foggy and he could not think straight but he did the first thing he was capable of; he threw all his anger and frustration into his hands and wrapped them around Clark's neck. Copyright 2016 - 2024