“Fuck, Genevieve, you are so my kind of girl.” He pressed deeper and she screamed, orgasm rolling through her. He shuddered as she milked his hand, her body clenching and releasing so rhythmically that he felt himself grow wetter still.

But he didn’t move, except to wiggle his thumb and finger even deeper into her. To find the sweet bundle of nerves high on her vaginal walls and stroke some more, intensifying her cl**ax. Hurtling her into another one.

“Cole! Oh, my God, Cole!” It was a keening cry, one that shattered the last vestiges of his control. Unbuttoning his pants, lowering his zipper, he sheathed himself in a condom, then climbed onto the bed fully dressed and thrust himself inside of her.

She came again, her body shaking and arching and clenching against him. Two thrusts later, maybe three, and he was with her, his body blasting like a freight train before he could even try to control it.

Cock throbbing, pleasure building at the base of his spine and shooting forward, he convulsed again and again as he emptied himself inside of her, giving her more than he’d ever planned to give.

When it was finally over and the first semblance of sanity slowly returned to him, Cole collapsed on top of her, resting his forehead against hers as he tried to catch his breath.

* * *

Genevieve wiggled with pleasure, shifted to cradle him as best she could while still tied to the bed. She wanted to see him, to look into his eyes and see if he was as shattered by what had happened between them as she was.

But when she turned her head, started to push against his shoulder in an effort to dislodge the blindfold, he rolled off her. “Not yet,” he said as he shifted off her. Immediately she felt bereft—lost, alone in the darkness.

But then he whispered “I’ll do it,” in her ear, and his hands were there, tenderly lifting up her head as he worked the knot free. Slowly, he pulled the silk away and she could see again.

What she saw nearly blew her mind; the tenderness in his black eyes as he looked into hers shook her to her core.

His fingers trailed across her cheek, toyed with her mouth before sliding tenderly over her breast and down her stomach. Response fluttered deep inside of her, shocking her. She was half-dead, her body so relaxed she feared she might melt into a puddle and run right off the bed, and still she wanted him.

How was that possible?

Cole cleared his throat. “I’ll be right back.”

If she could have moved, she might have followed him, just to see if he was as affected by her as she was by him. But she was still tied to the bed, her arms and legs bound for his pleasure. And hers.

Oh, God, she’d lose her feminist card for sure, because she’d enjoyed everything Cole had done to her. Worse, she craved more. Not because she wanted to be hurt, to be dominated, but because it was unbelievably exciting to match wits with a man as strong as she was. To lose the battles as often as she won them. To compete with someone who liked to win, to be on top, as much as she did.

She heard the water turn on in the bathroom and imagined him disposing of the condom. Washing his hands. Was he still hard for her, still turned on despite the sex that had nearly killed them? She was, her body hot and aching and more than ready for another round.

When he came out of the bathroom he was naked, and his c**k was so long and hard it was almost impossible to imagine he had just come. But when he crossed the room, he didn’t climb up on the bed with her as she’d expected. Instead, he grinned, winked at her. And reached into the nightstand next to the bed.

“What are you—”

“Ssh,” he said, as he pulled something out, closed his fingers around it. She strained her head, tried to see, but whatever it was fit completely within his big palm.

Then he was sitting on the bed, touching her. Petting her. And she forgot to be nervous as she flexed against his long fingers. Forgot to be wary as pleasure coursed through her.

He moved between her legs, toyed with her until she was soaking wet again. Or still—she wasn’t sure if she’d ever stopped flowing. He slid two fingers inside her pussy, stretching her open. And then she felt something else sliding in, something warm but utterly unfamiliar.

“What are you doing?”

“Just enjoy them,” he said.

“Enjoy what?” she asked, shifting a little so she could look at him. She gasped as pleasure exploded within her. “What did you do?”

He grinned wickedly. “You’ll see.” Then stood and headed for the door.

“Wait!” She tried to roll to her side and nearly saw stars as whatever he’d put inside of her clanged together, then rolled over her vaginal walls.

“I have to finish making dinner.” He winked and strolled out of the room.

For a moment, time stood still as shock held her immobile. And then she exploded, anger chasing away any thought of another round. “Let me go!” she shouted, bucking and twisting in earnest as she tried to free her hands. “Cole!”

The things inside of her moved with each shake of her hips, rolling over her G-spot and a bunch of other sensitive spots she hadn’t known existed.

There was no answer, only a silence that spoke louder than words ever could. “Cole, you as**ole! Get back here and untie me.”

But still he didn’t answer. Furious, annoyed, and maybe just a little bit scared, Genevieve strained desperately against her silken bonds. And cl**axed as the balls inside of her bounced and rolled around every inch of her pussy.

She moaned as her body exploded, desperately trying to get some semblance of control back. But her ni**les were hard, her va**na spasming, and no matter how hard she tried to hold still, she couldn’t.

A simple shift of her h*ps sent pleasure jangling up her nerve endings; an arch of her back had her panting, sweat rolling off her violently hot body in rivers. She tried to move just her arms, to twist her wrists in the silken restraints, but all she did was tangle herself more tightly. Not to mention cause a series of mini explosions to erupt in her sex.

She was going to kill Cole for this. She really was. As soon as he let her go, she would take her gun and—

“Oh, God!”

The pleasure was inescapable, unbelievable. Never-ending. She clenched her vaginal muscles, tried to stave off the exquisite licks of ecstasy that flowed over every nerve ending she had, but tightening up only made the balls feel bigger. Only gave them more area to touch.

“Cole!” Her voice was low, desperate, but she didn’t care. She was on the brink of another orgasm, and breathing was becoming impossible. She gasped, tried to suck air down her tight throat, but felt like she was strangling. Tried again, her whole body shaking, and was hurtled into another blinding orgasm.

“Cole!” It was a wail, a cry of desperation and fear. Her body was no longer her own—it was completely out of her mind’s control.

“I’m here, sweetheart.”

“Get them out,” she panted, her body arching, wiggling, twisting as her legs strained against the silken ties. “Get them out now—oh, f**k!” She was coming again—an explosion of pleasure that thrust ecstasy into every part of her body. Her ni**les hardened, her back bowed, tears streamed down her face as she tried to escape. But it was unrelenting, insidious, the pleasure everywhere. It took her over, controlled her, trapped her as she pleaded with Cole to end it.

Sobbing, shaking, she flung herself against the ties again and again, unaware of anything but the heat exploding in her womb. And then Cole was there, untying her, slipping his fingers inside of her, searching for the balls.

His touch, his manipulation of the balls, sent her careening over the edge again and she screamed, clutched at him. Desperate for something to hold on to in the middle of the maelstrom that had taken her over.

“I’ve got you, Genevieve. I’ve got you.” The balls slipped out at the same time Cole pulled her into his arms, rolling so that she rested on top of him. He held her, stroked her, soothed her as her sex continued to spasm.

When she was finally calm and could actually breathe without shuddering, she pulled away from him. “What the hell were those?” she demanded, her voice hoarse and scratchy.

“Just something I picked up for you yesterday.”

“Yesterday? After the fight we had, what gave you the idea you’d ever get a chance to use them?”

He smiled wryly, stroked a finger lightly down her arm. She shuddered, her skin so sensitive the contact was almost painful. “I had high hopes.”

“Seeing as you were the one to get his panties in a wad, I think it took a hell of a lot of nerve to be out buying sex toys for us.”

He shrugged, but his eyes gleamed wickedly. “Maybe.”

She snorted. “Definitely.” Then started as his hand smoothed over her breast, his fingers pausing to toy with her nipples.

“Oh, no.” She jerked away. “We are so not going there again. I’ll die.”

He ignored her, lowering his head to her breast and flicking her nipple with his tongue.

She raised her hands to push at his head, but her fingers ended up tangling in the black silk instead. “I’m serious. We can’t.” The arch of her back as she pressed against his mouth made a mockery of her words.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m exhausted. And I’m still hungry. What happened to dinner?” He lifted his head, and she suppressed a moan of disappointment. “Your wish is my command.” His thumb and index finger closed around her nipple, squeezed lightly.

She raised one eyebrow. “That’s the first I’ve heard. Are you sure about that?”

He didn’t answer, concentrated instead on drawing patterns on her skin with his tongue. She shivered as he skimmed down her abdomen to the tattoo at her navel. Trembled as his tongue swirled around the elaborate design.

Her body was turning on again, responding to his tender ministrations in a way she never could have dreamed about. How could she want him again? How on earth could her body respond after so many orgasms, when usually it took concentration of epic proportions to even get her to one cl**ax?

He was a magician, she decided as she allowed herself to sink into Cole. A sorcerer who could seize control of her body, make it do whatever he wanted. Reaching out, she trailed her hands down his back, felt the muscles bunch beneath her fingers. Sighed as he slipped inside of her.

Maybe one more time wouldn’t hurt.

Chapter Fifteen

“Thanks for the ride,” Genevieve commented absently as she climbed out of Cole’s car and slammed the door behind her. Her mind was already on the crime scene—and on Shawn’s warning. It’s really bad.

She had just drifted off to sleep, her empty stomach finally full, her head pillowed by Cole’s chest, when Shawn had called her cell phone to tell her they had discovered the fourth body.

He’d sounded shaken, disturbed in a way that wasn’t normal for him. He’d been a homicide detective longer than she and, consequently, had developed a much thicker skin. For him to be this upset … she shuddered as she looked up at the Hotel Monteleone. It was the oldest—and most famous—hotel in New Orleans and had been a personal favorite of hers for years because of its fabulous restaurant and beautiful décor.

She’d been here to eat more than once in the past few months; had stayed here with a lover over a year ago. But suddenly, she didn’t want to be here. Wanted to be as far away from the historic hotel with its ornate columns and marble floors as she could get. Though she didn’t know what waited for her up the steps, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it could change her life forever.

Sighing impatiently, she headed into the hotel. Standing out here wasn’t doing anything but prolonging the inevitable. Whatever was in there had to be faced, and faced soon. This was her case, and if the killer had left a clue, as he’d promised, that was just one more reason to get a move on.

“Hey,” Cole called through the rolled-down window. “Are you sure you don’t want me to wait? It’s no big deal.”

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