She handed him a beer. “Thanks, Elizabeth.”

“Call me Liz. The other is way too formal.”

Gavin came in from out back. “Oh, you guys are here. What’s up?” He shook Garrett’s hand and caught Alicia around the waist, pulling her in for a hug.

“You’re tan,” she said to Gavin.

“Went out on the boat for a while today since we had an off day.”

“I, of course, am not tan, being one of those fair-skinned redheads who burn. So I lathered on the sunscreen and tried not to fry out there. Lord, it was hot.”

“Bitch, bitch, bitch,” Gavin said, but gave Liz a wink.

“Yeah, but who caught the fish today, stud?” she asked.

“You did, my beautiful but not tan wife. And you’ll never let me forget it, will you?”

“You bet your ass I won’t.”

Alicia laughed as she gave Liz an incredulous look. “You caught fish?”

Liz pulled out a chair at the bar. “Sit. Make yourselves comfortable. And yes, I caught fish. I’m getting pretty damned good at this fishing thing.”

“She’s even learned to bait her own hook without cussing or complaining,” Gavin said, taking a long swallow of beer.

“Or wanting to throw up,” Liz added.

“Yeah, that, too.”

“I’m so proud, Liz,” Alicia said. “We’ll have to go to the lake in the summer. I love fishing.”

Garrett looked at her. “You like to fish?”

She lifted her gaze to his. “I love it. My family always used to camp. My dad taught Cole and me to fish when we were kids. Do you fish?”

“I’ve done it here and there.”

“You’ll have to come, too.”

She made it sound like he’d still be in her life in the summer. Would he? He hadn’t thought much beyond the here and now, because that’s the way his life had always been. Relationships had never been long-term for him, which suited him just fine and had fit with his career goals. It was hard to have a relationship and do what he did for a living, always being on the road. Plus, he’d never known if someone was in it for him or for who he was and what he did.

Alicia was different, though. Their relationship had been anything but traditional. They’d never even had what he would consider a date. He didn’t know how he felt about what was going on between the two of them. The sex sure as hell was smoking hot, and he definitely felt something, but what was it?

Maybe it was time to start figuring it out, because at some point this whole therapy thing was going to be finished, and they’d be left with . . .


“I’ve got steaks out on the grill—except for you, Alicia, of course,” Gavin said. “You’re having this amazing pasta salad that Liz fixed for you.”

Alicia grinned at Liz. “Awww, you cooked.”

“I boiled, mixed, chopped, and tossed. Gavin will be cooking,” Liz corrected.

“Don’t let her fool you,” Gavin said. “She’s a hell of a cook. Garrett, want to grab your beer and come outside with me while I turn these steaks?”

Oh, shit. It was time for the inquisition. “Sure.”

The night was clear and warm, every star visible in the moonless sky. Garrett followed Gavin down the steps and over to the side of the patio where the grill was located. He took a long swallow of beer and contemplated his life as it stood right now.

What if he never pitched again? What would he do? He’d never much thought about life after baseball, but he wasn’t going to do this forever. And if he didn’t get his arm working, he’d have to figure out something to do. Maybe he should start planning that sooner rather than later and get a strategy in order.

“Been missing you on the team, man,” Gavin said.

“Been missing being there. How’s it going?”

Gavin shrugged. “Typical preseason. Ups and downs. Sure could use you.”

Garrett took a long swallow of beer. “Working my ass off to get back.”

“How’s your shoulder?”

“It feels a hell of a lot better, but I haven’t had the chance to pitch in a game situation yet, so there’s a lot up in the air.”

Gavin leaned against the deck. “Scary shit, man. I think all of us who play know what you’re going through, how you’re feeling. We’re all one injury away from that big ‘what if.’”

“Yeah. It’s definitely got me thinking about what I’m going to do if I can’t pitch anymore. I’ve pushed it to the far corner of my mind for a long time now, but I have to face reality and come up with a backup plan.”

“None of us ever want to think about life after baseball.” Gavin looked at him. “Do you even have a backup plan?”

Garrett laughed. “Not yet. I guess it’s time to figure that out.”

“You’ll pitch again. My cousin is damn good at her job. She’s dedicated and fierce. She’ll have you on that mound, good as new.”

He loved that Gavin believed in Alicia. “She is good at her job. She’s pushed me harder than anyone—hell, harder than I ever thought about pushing myself.”

Gavin smiled as he tipped the beer to his lips. “That sounds like Alicia. The words no and I can’t aren’t in her vocabulary. When she got hired on to the team, I knew if I ever got hurt, I’d want her in charge of my recovery.”


“Hell yeah. For as long as I’ve known her, she’s wanted to help people. In high school she knew she wanted to go into sports medicine, even bullied the high school football coach into letting her apprentice with the team athletic director, just so she could get some on-the-job practice before she went off to college. This is her life’s dream. She’s so goddamn dedicated to making sure athletes stay healthy, recover, and play at the top of their game. It’s more than just a paycheck to her, you know.”

“I can see that. I’ve seen it in action. She puts a lot of heart into what she does. And I’m really grateful for what she’s done for me. I think very highly of her.”

Gavin paused while he flipped the steaks then turned to Garrett. “I know this is really tricky territory, because you and I are friends, and she’s my cousin. I don’t want to butt in because it’s none of my business. The only thing I’ll say about it is, I just don’t want her to get hurt.”

He knew Gavin would say something. The responsibility of looking after family and all. Not that he had much experience in that department since he rarely saw his own. But from what he’d heard about Alicia and her family dynamics, he knew they were close, so he’d expected this. “I don’t want her to get hurt, either. I’ll do everything not to let that happen.”

Gavin stared at him for a minute then nodded. “I believe you. You’re not one of those assholes.”

Garrett laughed. “Uh, no. I’m not. I won’t hurt her, Gavin. That’s not what this is about.”

“Okay. Good talk. Let’s move on to how we’re going to kick Baltimore’s ass tomorrow.”

* * *

ALICIA TRIED TO PEER OUT INTO THE DARKNESS, SO she could get a read on what was going on between Gavin and Garrett. She couldn’t see them, though. And she also couldn’t hear them, which was a good sign there was no arguing going on.

“What are you looking at?” Liz asked her as they sat at the bar drinking wine.

She pulled her gaze toward Liz. “Trying to figure out if they’ve come to blows yet.”

Liz snorted. “Gavin isn’t going to punch Garrett just because the two of you are having wild monkey sex.”

Alicia’s eyes widened. She thought about denying it, but this was Liz, who would poke and pry until she got the truth out of Alicia. “How did you know?”

“Please. I know that nervous look. Besides, Gavin told me. You’re afraid Gavin is going to go all protective cousin on Garrett.”


Liz waved her hand. “Not going to happen. Believe me, the last thing Gavin wants to talk about is your sex life.”

She relaxed her shoulders. “You’re probably right about that.”

“How’s it going with the two of you?”

Alicia took a sip of wine and smiled at Liz. “Garrett’s shoulder is doing good. He’s starting to throw pitches.”

Liz slanted her a look. “Nice evasion, but you know that wasn’t what I was asking.”

She hadn’t thought it would work, but it was worth a try. “I don’t know how it happened.”

“I do. You’re hot, and so is he. It’s Chemistry 101, honey.”

“It shouldn’t have happened at all. He needs to be concentrating on his recovery, not on sex.”

Liz snorted. “Sex is great for recovery. All that blood churning through his veins. You’re the expert. A player in a good mood is not a bad thing, is it? I mean, a lot of his recovery is mental, isn’t it?”

“That’s true, but his c**k has nothing to do with his shoulder.”

“Oh, come on, Alicia. If you’re keeping him content in the sack, he’s relaxed and more apt to work harder on his rehab. He’s less tense since you’ve been ha**g s*x with him, isn’t he?”

Alicia narrowed her gaze at Liz. She was right on in that department. “Well, who made you such a f**king expert on all things sports medicine?”

Liz laughed. “Honey, I don’t know a goddamn thing about sports medicine. But I know a lot about sex and how to keep my man relaxed and happy. And when he’s relaxed and happy, he plays great f**king baseball. So quit second-guessing your every move with Garrett, and enjoy what’s happening between the two of you.”

Alicia lifted the wine bottle and refilled her glass and Liz’s. “Has anyone ever told you how smart you are?”

“Not nearly often enough.” Liz lifted her glass and clinked it against Alicia’s.

Maybe Liz was right and their relationship was good for Garrett’s recovery. She’d told him at the very beginning to get out of his head. When he wasn’t so focused on his shoulder and every step in the process, she could make inroads with his rehab.

What better way to do that than with sex?

A definite benefit—to both of them. Because there was no downside to ha**g s*x with Garrett.

* * *

THEY HAD DINNER AND GREAT CONVERSATION, AND Alicia spent the evening not worrying about anything for a change. Apparently, Garrett chilled, too, because when he came inside after being with Gavin, he put his arm around her. He even kissed her in front of her cousin, which she thought was more than a little monumental.

She supposed she could even call this evening a date. They laughed, had drinks, talked baseball, and she couldn’t remember seeing Garrett this relaxed. He’d stuck close to her all night, touching her in small ways that made her stomach ripple with desire. He’d trail his fingers down the side of her neck or rub his thumb over the back of her hand, all seemingly innocent gestures that fired up her nerve endings and made her wish they were alone so she could touch him in intimate ways and make him feel half the things she was feeling.

“What are you doing?” she asked him at one point in the evening when he laid his hand against the small of her back, his fingers creeping dangerously low to her butt. She kept her voice at a low whisper, so Gavin and Liz couldn’t hear

He gave her a sexy, innocent smile and an “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about” as a response.

She had a feeling he knew exactly what he was doing to her. In return, she draped her hand over the top of his thigh, letting her fingers dangle ever so close to his cock. Then she drummed her fingers while she carried on a conversation with Liz. When she looked up at Garrett, he glared at her.

Ha. Payback.

By the time they left Gavin and Liz’s, she was a bundle of taut tension. Garrett might appear to be unruffled as he leaned back in the seat as he drove, but she was strung up with the need to get him na**d and climb all over him.

He knew it, too. She could tell from the lazy sweep of his fingers down her leg to his relaxed posture in his seat. He was smug and confident, and he knew exactly what he’d been doing to her all night—driving her right to the brink.

She wasn’t about to let him know she was ready to explode. She’d just look out the window and pretend everything was fine.

Until his fingers started a slow trek up her thigh, raising her dress.

She snapped her gaze to his and pulled the hem of her dress down. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Giving her an innocent look, he said, “Me? I’m just touching you. I like touching you. Do you want me to stop?”

“Yes. No. Yes. I don’t know.”

He cocked a brow. “Care to clarify?”

“You were driving me crazy all night.”

“Was I?”


“Yeah, well, you were doing the same to me.”

It was good to know she’d had some effect on him. “I like you touching me.”

“Then let me, Alicia. Lean your seat back. Spread your legs.”

She looked outside. “We’re in the car, Garrett. You’re driving.”

“On a two-lane road. It’s late, and there are hardly any cars. Trust me to protect you.”

She did trust him. Arousal beat a hot pulse between her legs.

“Alicia. Let me touch you.”

“You should focus on the road.”

His lips curved. “I can do both.” Copyright 2016 - 2024