He even gave opinions when she tried something on. Surprisingly, he was very good at it, shaking his head or wrinkling his nose when he didn’t like something, and nodding or smiling when he did. At least he wasn’t one of those noncommittal or uninterested men who said everything she tried on looked “fine.”

And the saleswomen nearly swooned after him. A gorgeous man who carried her bags and offered expert opinions on clothing? He was damn near perfect.

But she couldn’t continue to take advantage. If left up to her, she could spend the entire day here winding in and out of every store. Surely, Garrett had to be bored out of his mind. And he needed to get back to his friends, which was the whole reason for the weekend.

“Are you getting hungry?” she asked after they left one of the corner stores near the parking lot.

“I’m fine. How about you?”

“Starving. We’ve been at this for hours, you know.”

His lips curved. “I’m aware. You weren’t kidding when you said you were serious about this shopping thing. You could teach a master class on the subject.”

She hooked her arm in his. “Let’s get out of here and go get some food.”

He stopped and looked down at her. “You haven’t even laid siege to the other half of the outlet mall.”

She laughed. “I can live without laying claim to it. I’d rather have lunch.”

“There’s a great burger joint.”

She gave him a look.

“Hey, they have soups and salads.”

“Fine. Burger joint it is.”

It had turned out to be a gorgeous day, with temps in the sixties, so Garrett took her to Bricktown, which was an outdoor area filled with shops and tons of restaurants. There was even a river and a water taxi to take you around the area. She loved it, and she could imagine how much fun this place was in the summer, with crowds jammed in, the nearby arena filled with people eager to watch events, then come out here after to drink some brews.

“This is awesome,” she said as they settled in at a burger joint. They sat at a table with a beautiful view of the water, the sun beaming in on her face and body. She felt warm and good, so she turned to Garrett. “Thank you for this. It’s been a great day, but I feel a little guilty.”

He took a sip of the iced tea the waitress had brought. “Why?”

“Because this is your weekend to be with your friends.”

“This is my weekend to do whatever the hell I want to do. I wanted to take you out so you could do something fun. Did you have fun shopping?”

She leaned back with her lemonade and grinned like a cat in a window filled with warm sun. “I did have fun.”

“Okay, then. Let’s eat lunch without you having some guilt meltdown.”


He shook his head. “Women.”

“Shut up.”

He lowered his head, but she caught his smile. God, he was sexy when he smiled like that. Everything south of her belly button quivered when he gave her that half-lidded look and wicked smile.

The giant salad she ate ended up being delicious, as were the fries, and by the time they left, she was full and exhausted.

“I could use a nap.”

“Stretch out in the car on the way back and sleep.”

“No. It’s okay.”

“You can trust me. I won’t grab you or anything while you’re sleeping.”

She turned to him and let out a soft laugh. “I didn’t think you would.”

“I might ogle your boobs if you fall asleep, though.”

She burst out laughing. “You are so unpredictable, Garrett.”

“Yeah? Good.”




GARRETT DROPPED OFF ALICIA—AND HER MOUNTAIN of packages—in her room when they got back to the lodge.

She said she was tired and she wanted to take a nap. When she woke up, she promised to come find him.

He made a few business calls, relaxed in front of the television for a while, then went downstairs to the bar and found Gray, Trevor, and Drew, who’d just come in from playing golf since the weather had warmed up.

“You missed a great game today, Garrett,” Trevor said, motioning for the waiter to bring them all a round of beers.

“Yeah?” Garrett pulled up a chair at the table. “I suppose you all kicked ass.”

“We were killer out there,” Drew said, tipping the bottle and draining the last of the beer before answering. “Shot our best games.”

He knew they were lying. They always lied about their golf games. It was tradition. “Sorry I missed it.”

“What did you do?” Gray asked.

“I took Alicia to the outlet mall. Then we went to lunch.”

Gray arched a brow. “Shopping. How . . . exciting for you.”

Drew gave him the once-over. “You sure she’s not your girlfriend? Because it seems to me she’s got you pretty well pu**y whipped.”

“Yeah? How so?”

“She calls, you come running.”

“In what way?”

“When she wants you to work out, you go, right?”

He leaned back in the chair. “Mostly. She does control my professional destiny in that regard.”

“And you brought her with you this weekend,” Trevor chimed in. “Whose idea was that?”

“Mine, actually.”

“Oh.” Trevor took a long swallow from his bottle of beer. “Still, shopping? Dude.”

“I wanted to get her away from all of you, show her the city and a good time. She was really nice to come along with me for the weekend.”

“Isn’t that her job?” Gray asked.

Garrett shrugged.

“Whipped,” Drew said to the guys. “He’s either already in her pants or wants in them bad enough to kiss her ass.”

Garrett shook his head. There was no point in arguing with them when they had their minds set in one direction. If they wanted to believe he was sleeping with Alicia or wanted to sleep with her, there was nothing he could do about it.

“Why don’t we talk about you instead?” he asked, turning his attention to Gray. “What was the name of that supermodel you were dating? Her name reminded me of a vitamin—Niacin or something?”

“Nisema,” Gray corrected.

“That’s a real name?” Trevor asked, turning to Gray. “It sounds like a face wash.”

“We broke up a few months ago. Her career and mine didn’t mesh.”

Drew arched a brow. “Since when do athletes and supermodels not mesh?”

“She was always off on a shoot, and I was always working. And then we figured out neither of us missed each other when we were apart. We’re both too career focused to be involved, so we just broke it off. It was pretty easy.”

“She probably makes as much money as you do. That’s why it was so easy.” Drew leveled a smirk at Gray.

“I’m pretty sure she makes more money than me. I should be the one weeping over the breakup.”

Garrett snorted. “Right. Like you’d ever be sorry over losing a woman.”

“It could happen. Maybe.” Gray looked over at the guys. “Okay, maybe it won’t.”

“I see you as the one who’ll never get married, if for no other reason than to spite your father, who’s looking for that “Preston heir,” since it’s obvious you’re never going to walk in his senatorial footsteps,” Garrett said.

Gray laughed. “You’re right about that. Politics isn’t my thing.”

“No. You like loud engines and grease under your fingers,” Drew said. “And to think you started off with a baseball scholarship. I still don’t know how the hell you ended up in stock car racing.”

“Oh this sounds like a great story. Can I sit in?”

Garrett looked up to see Alicia standing next to his chair.

“Have a good nap?” He scooted over and made room for her to sit in the booth, then signaled for the waiter.

“I did. I love shopping, but I don’t do it very often. I guess I was worn out. It was great to lie down for a few minutes.” She turned to Gray. “But now I want to hear about you and baseball and racing.”

Gray shrugged. “Not much to tell. I came to school on a baseball scholarship. Now I race for a living.”

“You didn’t like playing baseball?”

“Loved it.”

Alicia frowned. “I sense a ‘but’ in there somewhere.”

The waiter came over, and they all ordered drinks.

“I played baseball all four years and was even sought after by several pro teams. But I’d always liked racing, did that on my free time. A friend of mine’s dad raced competitively, so I worked with them on their cars and raced with them whenever I could. When my buddy got sick one weekend, I climbed into his car and raced for him. And I came in second. Nearly won the race.

“That was it for me. The only thing I wanted to do after that was get behind the wheel of a car and come in first. Baseball took second place, and I knew I couldn’t play for the major leagues. I’ve been racing ever since.”

“Much to your father’s irritation,” Garrett said.

Gray’s lips lifted. “Yeah. But that’s just a side benefit.”

“He didn’t like you playing baseball, either, if I remember right,” Trevor said.

“No. He hated that I got the baseball scholarship to Oklahoma. He wanted me to go to Harvard and study law.” Gray grimaced.

“His father was a little pissed off that he passed on the Harvard academic scholarship,” Drew said to her. “Law and politics is the Preston family legacy.”

Alicia stared at Gray. “Really. You got a scholarship to Harvard?”

Gray shrugged. “Like I said. Baseball was my thing back then.”

“I take it you didn’t want to be a lawyer,” Alicia said.

“Oh, hell no. That baseball scholarship was my ticket out from under the Preston family shadow. I ran as far and as fast as I could.”

“And then daddy cut you off.” Drew lifted his beer and smirked before taking a long swallow.

“Yeah. Thankfully.”

Alicia’s eyes widened. “He did?”

“Yeah, he did. Best thing that could have ever happened. Without him threatening me with money, I could be free to do whatever the hell I wanted.”

“Yeah, like the rest of us poor suckers,” Trevor said with a laugh. “Poor being the appropriate word.”

“You managed just fine without him, didn’t you?” Garrett asked.

“You bet your ass I did. Got my own team now.”

But Alicia noticed something distant and sad in Gray’s eyes. She loved her family so much. She wondered what that break from his family had cost him.

“Are you gonna play poker with us tonight, Alicia?” Drew asked.

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude on your game.”

“So that means you know how to play.” Trevor rubbed his hands together.

“I know a little about poker.”

“Then let’s get this game going. I’m ready to take your money,” Garrett said.

They moved into the card room, which was quieter and more private, with official dealers and everything.


Drinks were served, cards were dealt, and Alicia wasn’t about to tell them just how good she was at poker. Poker was a weekly Riley family event. She’d learned to play when she was a kid, plus she’d played plenty in college. She might not be a Vegas pro, but she was shrewd, and she often won.

After about two hours of play, she had a sizeable amount of chips in front of her and four very irritated men glaring in her direction.

“Do you take weekend jaunts to Vegas on some casino’s dime?” Trevor asked her, finishing a beer and signaling to the waiter for another round for the table.

Sitting comfortably, Alicia offered up her typical poker face as she scanned her cards. Two jacks and an ace. The dealer had a jack on the table. Sweet. “No, I just played in college. I’m probably a little rusty.”

“Rusty, my ass,” Garrett grumbled, throwing some chips in to bet.

When the dealer pulled up an ace, Alicia stayed perfectly still while she put in her chips and waited to see what everyone else was going to do. Gray folded; the rest of them bet.

“I’m all in,” she said, pushing her chips into the middle of the table.

“Fuck,” Drew said, tossing his cards on the pile.

“I’m folding, too,” Trevor said.

“I’ll see what you’ve got.” Garrett went in with his bet. “Show me.”

“Full house, aces and jacks.”

“Sonofabitch. Three queens,” Garrett said, flinging his cards toward the dealer.

The others laughed at him. “Did you purposely bring Alicia to play poker with us, knowing she was going to kick our asses?”

“If I’d known she was that good, I’d have never invited her,” Garrett said. “Did you see the hand I had?”

Alicia grinned and dragged the winning chips over to her side. “Thanks, guys.”

They broke to eat, and while the guys ate steak, she contented herself with an amazing tofu and nut salad. Then they went back to poker, where she tried hard not to kill them. Amazingly, they won some money back. Not much, but some. She still won a lot.

“You really are good at this,” Drew said.

She shrugged. “I had a lot of play in college. And I have a very shrewd poker-playing family.”

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