‘Twelve? Are they all superbikes?’

He laughs lightly. ‘Yes, Ava, they’re all superbikes. Come on, I’m taking you home.’

I place the magazine back on the table and begin to unravel my folded body. ‘You know, you should be wearing leathers.’ I push casually.

‘I know I should.’ He takes my hand, leading me to the door.

‘So, why don’t you?’

‘I’ve rode bikes since I…’ He halts mid-sentence and glances down at me. ‘For many years,’

‘You’re going to have to reveal an age at some point.’

He looks at me, and I smile brightly, earning myself a return beam for Jesse. ‘Maybe.’ he says quietly. If he’s rode bikes for years, then he should appreciate the dangers.

We walk through The Manor, finding Sam and Drew at the bar. Sam’s obviously not seeing Kate tonight. He looks his usual self, as does Drew, with his black suit and perfectly placed black hair.

‘My man!’ Sam cheers. ‘Ava, I love your Little Miss knickers.’ He hands me a familiar gym bag.

I die a thousand deaths on the spot. He went through my underwear drawer? The cheeky swine! Feeling my face flame, I glance up at Jesse to see anger pouring from his entire being. Oh, Sam!

‘Don’t push your f**king luck, Sam.’ he warns, his tone super serious. Sam’s grin fades as he puts his hands up in submission.

Drew exhales, shaking his head and placing his beer on the bar. ‘There’s a line, Sam.’ he says in agreement to Jesse’s reaction towards Sam’s inappropriate comment.

‘Hey, I’m sorry.’ Sam grumbles, looking at me with a hint of a grin breaking free.

I glance around the bar. It’s really busy. There are plenty of people milling about, all chatting, many putting their hand up in acknowledgment to Jesse, but none of them approach him. I feel the same animosity from the women in here as I did in the summer room. I’m seriously stepping on some toes by being here. Is Jesse aware of all these admirers? I feel like I’ve poached him. And now I’m certain that the repeat business is based solely on The Lord of the Manor and his devastating looks.

‘I’m taking Ava home,’ Jesse takes the gym bag from me. ‘Are you running tomorrow?’ he asks Sam.

‘Nah, I might be tied up.’ He grins at me.

I feel my colour deepen. I’ll never get use to his forwardness and lurid comments. I shake my head at the cheeky swine. ‘Where’s Kate?’ I ask. I should call her.

‘She had a few deliveries to do. She got all excited about taking Margo Junior out on her maiden voyage. I got dumped for a pink van,’ He takes a swig of his beer. ‘I’m heading over when I’m done here.’

‘Done what?’ Drew asks on a raised brow.

‘Fuck you.’ Sam spits.

Done what, exactly?

Jesse starts pulling me out of the bar. ‘Bye, lads. Tell Kate, Ava’s with me.’ he calls over his shoulder. I wave my free hand to them as I’m hauled from the bar. They both raise their bottles in goodbye, both grinning.

I’m escorted out of The Manor to Jesse’s Aston Martin, really rather quickly. He opens the passenger door for me to get in.

‘I want to go on the bike.’ I complain. I’m addicted.

‘Right now, I want you in lace, not leather. Get in the car.’ His eyes have turned wickedly dark and promising. When did that happen?

I get in the car, clenching my thighs together, and wait for him to slide in next to me. He starts the car, quickly reversing out and kicking up the gravel as he flies off down the driveway towards the gates. He’s on a mission. I know he was pissed off when Sarah walked in on us. A few minutes later, she could have had the perfect view of Jesse’s tight arse greet her. Or has she seen it before? I inwardly vomit. God, I hope not. I glance over at the gorgeous profile of the man sat next to me, all relaxed as he drives. He flicks his eyes to me before returning them to the road. I can tell he’s trying his hardest not to smile.

‘One hundred thousand pounds is a massive overpayment.’ I say coolly.

‘Is it?’

‘You know it is.’ I look at him challengingly as he fights the smile threatening to breakout across his lovely face.

‘You’re underselling yourself.’

‘I must be the most expensive hooker ever.’ I flip, watching his lips press into a straight line.

‘Ava, if you refer to yourself in that way again…’

‘I was joking.’

‘Do you see me laughing?’

‘I have other clients to deal with.’ I inform him bravely. He can’t expect me to devote all of my working time to his extension, or to him. I highly doubt he’ll let me get on with it undisturbed, and Patrick will get massively suspicious if I’m never in the office.

‘I know, but I’m a special client.’ He reaches over, squeezing my knee, and I look up to a dark grin.

‘You’re special all right!’ I laugh, earning myself a dig in the soft void above my hip bone.

He cranks the volume up, and Elbow settles me back in my seat as I watch the world go by. I’m really in love with him right now, as appose to just in love with him. Despite the lapse in the middle, it’s turned out to be a beautiful day.

Chapter 29

The gates to Lusso slowly shift open and Jesse pulls in, parking the car swiftly and accurately. He wastes no time collecting me from my side of the car and dragging me through the foyer towards the elevator.

‘Evening, Clive.’ I call as I’m hauled past and stuffed into the penthouse lift. ‘Are you in a rush?’

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