“Sheesh, I’m surprised he let you come.”

Beth glanced at Jessica. “All the Masters showed up tonight. Because.”

Because of Linda and her hunt. Some of her fear ebbed.

Jessica put her arm around Linda. “We’re here for you too.”

When Linda grinned—the little blonde was all of five feet two and didn’t look as if she could down a fly—Jessica sniffed. “I’m not going to attack anyone. Our job is just to keep an eye on you. The guys can’t follow you around, but no one notices us subs.”

Oh. “Thank you,” Linda whispered, warmth spreading through her. She glanced over at the bar, caught the bartender’s frown, and winced. “I need to get to work. Master Cullen looks like he’s going to have a hot-guy hissy fit.”

To the sound of laughter, Linda headed for her assigned area.

As time went on, she checked on drinks and took orders and listened. Nothing. Nothing. And more nothing.

Exasperated, she returned to the bar with her drink orders, then had to wait for Cullen.

The giant bartender was whistling along with the music as he poured a glass of wine for a Domme. Finally he wandered down to her. “Got some orders for me, pet?” he asked, leaning a forearm on the bar top.

She handed over her tickets. Some of the trainees could remember who ordered what, but she sure wasn’t one of them. Old age, maybe, only—she huffed a laugh—she’d never had a good memory.

Cullen flipped through the notes and turned toward his submissive. “Andrea.”

She didn’t notice. Dressed in a catsuit that had more parts missing than were present, with cute white ears and a long white tail, Andrea remained intent on the beer she was drawing.

Cullen snorted, then leaned over and grabbed her tail.

Linda winced when she realized the tail wasn’t attached to the costume, but to a butt plug instead.

Using the tail as a leash, Cullen pulled his submissive backward. Grinning at the spatter of Spanish profanity from her, he said, “If that plug comes out, love, I’ll use a bigger one.”

Linda’s backside tightened in sympathy.

Andrea backpedaled more quickly.

“When you finish that beer, set up the drinks for these, please, pet.” Cullen handed some of the tickets to Andrea before looking back at Linda. “Run along and take more orders. By the time you get back, we’ll have these ready.”

Clever Dom, keeping her moving. But as a roll of thunder went through the room, Linda frowned. Between the pounding music and the storm outside, she was having trouble hearing. She leaned forward. “What did you say? The music’s too loud. I can’t hear you.”

Cullen hesitated, then even as he repeated himself, he nodded his understanding. Exchanging insults and jokes with the people seated around the bar, he moved toward where Master Z sat at the end.

Before Linda reached the back of the room, the music had changed to something quieter.

* * * *

Damn neighbor shouldn’t keep a bull if he couldn’t keep him penned up. Still grumbling, Sam turned into the long driveway to the Shadowlands.

Z had promised to watch over Linda when Sam called, but hell. Every minute that passed had increased the tightness in his gut.

And he was late for nothing. Capturing a horny bull in the rainy night had proven impossible. Looked like he’d have a couple of calves he hadn’t anticipated.

To top things off, he’d had to bring Conn along to make sure the damn dog didn’t try to run the bull off, which was how Sam had discovered the downed fence in the first place.

“You got a death wish, don’t you?” he asked the muddy mutt curled up on a horse blanket beside him.

Conn gave a happy whine. Dog loved riding in the truck, and tonight he’d contentedly nap in the cab until Sam had time to let him out for a run. From the sound of it, the storm wouldn’t let up anytime soon, and Z would encourage the members to sack out in the upstairs rooms.

With luck—and he’d damn well make that luck—he’d talk Linda into one.

Maybe after Conn got a walk. The soft-hearted woman would undoubtedly want to come out and pet Conn. And she’d get soaked.

A good Dom would order her to strip out of her wet clothes.

A good Dom would spank her if she hesitated.

A good sadist would redden her ass even if she didn’t.

Sam parked his truck at the entrance—hell with the parking lot. No one else would be arriving at this point. After a dash to the front, Sam pounded on the heavy door. Locked, as he figured. Ben opened the door and stepped back. “Z said you’d be along. Surprised you came out in this mess.”

Like he’d leave Linda here without him? “Surprised anyone did.”

Ben took his seat behind the desk. “Most came before it started raining heavy.” He frowned. “The lights have flickered a couple of times. We might end up without power.”

“Won’t that be fun?” Sam shook his head, spattering the floor with drops. The emergency lighting wasn’t bright enough for safe scening. Last time the power had gone out, everyone gave up and sat around the bar, Ben included. “You might end up with a drink tonight.”

“Sounds good.” Ben’s ugly face split in a grin. “I’m not into the action, but those corsets? Oh yeah.”

Sam snorted in amusement, then entered the clubroom. Cullen and Andrea still manned the bar, although someone would relieve them soon so they could play the last few hours. A lot of the equipment had been shoved into the corners, so Z must have rearranged for some reason.

As Sam walked through the room, he assessed the happenings. A couple of new members were using the spiderweb; rough old Smith and his sub were on the nearest St. Andrew’s cross; screams came from the bondage table area where electroplay was happening. Mistress Anne had not one, but two submissives at her feet, one man in a frilly apron with a lacy maid’s cap. Would have been better if the guy had shaved first. The other had been locked into an elaborate cock ring and looked near blastoff.

Finally he spotted Linda.

He’d told her last night the trainees could wear the costumes kept upstairs. Apparently, she had. She was damn fuckable in all brown leather, from the bustier that pushed up his favorite assets to the laced-up leather skirt that gave glimpses of garters. Her only jewelry was the trainee cuffs.

Guess he’d better see about putting some ribbons on those cuffs, although he wasn’t real happy about that thought.

When he reached her and turned her around, her eyes lit with relief. “I’m so glad to see you.” She put her hand on his. “I feel safer with you here.”

The feeling of being needed was a heady one. “That the only reason?”

She leaned into him, brushing her breasts over his chest, and murmured, “Perhaps not.”

Hell, yes. He pulled her in for a long, hot kiss and let his hands roam over her gorgeous curves. Her pussy was bare under the skirt, and he couldn’t resist filling his palms with her soft, round ass cheeks. “Girl,” he murmured.

She actually giggled. Putting her hands on each side of his face, she held him an inch from her lips and whispered, “You’re the only person I know who can say ‘girl’ and mean ‘I love you and want to fuck you.’” She kissed him lightly. “I love you, Sam.”

Damn effective how she could turn a man’s brain to mush. He smiled down into her pretty eyes. “Get to work, trainee.”

As she laughed and walked toward the bar, he turned to watch. Yeah, the view was even better from the rear. She’d laced the skirt tight enough that it hugged her round ass. Be fun to inch it up to her waist so he could enjoy what was under.

Hell, now he had a hard-on to match the ones Anne’s subs sported.

As he moved to where Cullen was mixing a drink, he heard the distinctive crack of a bullwhip. What the hell? “Who’s using a whip? And how?”

“Anyone who wants.” Cullen grinned. “Z roped off a couple of areas for single-tails.”

Well, damn, the evening was looking up. Sam pulled his favorite bullwhip from his bag, adjusted the coil, and clipped it to his belt. “Sounds good.”

“Yeah. Z hoped you’d give a demo and lesson for the newer Doms.”

“No problem.” His favorite kind of lessons. “Trainees okay?”

“They’re fine.” Cullen jerked his chin to the left. “Uzuri’s staring at one of the new Doms.”

Sam turned. He’d seen the guy before. Multiethnic, like Uzuri—maybe African-American and Asian. As a farmer, Sam had learned hybridizing made for stronger plants and animals. Made damned fine humans as well.

Uzuri didn’t care about a man’s race though; she just wanted a man who was gentle and dominant. But Sam had noticed the new Dom had a decided preference for darker women.

After taking the man’s order, Uzuri walked back to the bar, hips swaying in a way that no man could mistake.

“Want that one?” Sam asked as she set her tray on the bar top.

Her eyes rounded. “Oh. I—” Her dark skin darkened further. Glancing over her shoulder, she let out a sigh. “He’s even better looking than Denzel Washington. But he could have anyone here, so why would he want me?”

Marcus had walked up in time to hear her words. He frowned. “You’re pretty as peach pie, Uzuri. Sweet. Lively. Smart.”

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