“Of course, sir.” The man’s voice came closer. “Is there anything I can assist with, while I’m here?”

No. No!

Sam glanced at her and raised his eyebrows.

Linda knew she was effectively hidden by the desk, but the sounds of a blowjob… The man knew exactly what was going on. She shook her head frantically, despite the cock in her mouth.

Sam winced, then grinned. “No, thanks, Holt. I don’t think I’ll have to deal with an overly polite secretary after all.”

“Very good. Let me know if you change your mind. I enjoy…interviews.” The door closed.

My God, he’d have let that man touch me? She wrenched her head up. “You jerk. How could you have done that?”

He gave her an even look. “A threesome wasn’t listed as a hard limit for you. I wanted to see if it was something you’d enjoy.” He put himself away, zipped up his pants, and pulled her onto his lap.

She couldn’t help but snuggle close. How could the damned sadist make her feel so safe when he held her?

“Looked like you didn’t want company, though. Why did you check it as ‘possible’?”

“I… At the time, it seemed like an okay possibility.” At the time, she’d actually been thinking of ways to make Sam jealous. She sure hadn’t thought he would call her on it.

His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything.

Letting him think too long might not be a good idea. “So, big boss, what do we do now?” She deliberately squirmed on his very hard cock. Actually, being a bad girl seemed a fine idea. Turning into him, she buried her face in the curve of his neck, inhaling the soap and hay scent before nipping his skin. She undid a button on his shirt and slid her hand in to outline his hard pectoral muscles. His crisp chest hair teased her fingers as she sought out a nipple…and pinched it.

He growled at her, pulled her hand away. “Get back in your chair.”

“Ah, come on, Mr. Davies. I’m sure I can be a great secretary.” After bouncing on his cock, she pushed off his lap, opened her blouse, and shimmied her bare breasts at him.

As his blue eyes turned to a molten steel color, his whole body seemed to expand.

Uh-oh, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea, she thought, even as her skin seemed to burst into flame.

He rose, grabbed her upper arms, and yanked her against him, then took her lips in a kiss so demanding, so wet and hot that her knees buckled. Slinging an arm around her, he kept kissing her, even as his other hand cupped her bare breast. When he rolled the nipple and pinched the tip—hard—a stream of need flowed to her clit. “I can see you want to be punished, girl.”

“I… Ah…”

“After that, I’m going to fuck you.” She could hear the control in his voice. “Hurt you and fuck you so hard that everyone in the club hears you scream my name.”

Oh. God.

After folding his glasses and putting them in his pocket, he lifted her onto the desk. “Kneel up in position.”

At the growl in his voice, she felt as if she’d stepped sideways into somewhere softer. Brighter.

Feeling wanted was wonderful. Being understood and still wanted was even better. On top of the desk, she set her butt on her feet. Her hands rested on her thighs.

“Good. Arch your back.”

When she complied, his cheek creased with his half smile before he ran his hand over her breasts. His calluses were rough and wonderful on her sensitized skin. “Love these tits, girl.”

So blunt. Yet the wash of happiness couldn’t be denied.

He tugged at her nipples until her breasts seemed to sizzle. “Stay just like that,” he warned before bending down to his toy bag beside the desk. After setting a pair of bandage scissors on the desk, he took a length of rope and circled the base of her left breast several times, slightly tighter than was comfortable. Then he did the right.

Now instead of feeling swollen, her breasts felt as if they’d burst.

His gaze on her face, he fondled each breast and pinched the engorged nipples. Such intense heat lanced through her that she whined and wiggled.

When he lifted breast clamps from his bag, she made a protest that didn’t even sound like her. He knew she was sensitive there. Knew she hated those things.

He barked a laugh, and delight gleamed in his hard gaze. “Yes, this will really hurt,” he said, openly enjoying how she tried to cringe away. The first one went on, an alligator clamp with a screw. He adjusted the pressure.

“Too tight,” she gasped.

“Breathe, Linda. Breathe through it. Take it for me…and for you.” Curving his unyielding hand under her breast, he watched her face.

She pulled in a breath, trying to ride the pain. Not a good pain. But his words. “For me.” She’d do it to please him, to see the approval in his eyes.

“Ready for the next one?”

Tears had pooled in her eyes, and she shook her head no. The shocking bite had lessened, blossoming into a wonderful fiery pleasure, but still…

“Too bad.” And he did the other one.

She gasped as the prongs closed on her sensitive nipple, hurting, hurting, and the fact that he’d force her to take the unwelcome hurt shook everything inside her, because she wanted him to push her. To ignore her protests, to make her submit to his will. As he watched her with those mesmerizing blue eyes, she felt as if layers of her skin were being stripped away—a fruit being peeled until only the soft core remained.

He attached a chain between the two clamps, letting the cool metal drop against her skin. “Open your knees.”

His gaze never left her face as he ran his hand between her legs, sliding through her wetness. He plunged two fingers inside her. Her pussy contracted around him, pulsing and pulling, sending zaps to every nerve, somehow bouncing off the raw soreness in her breasts and expanding.

He moved closer, sharing the warmth of his body. With fingers still inside her, he used his free hand to grip her hair, tugging her head back so he could take her lips. So he could rub his chest on her clamped nipples, increasing the glorious pain until she whimpered. He took her further, his control over her merciless as he penetrated her mouth and pussy so intimately her head spun.

Thrusting his fingers deeper, he circled his thumb around her clit, pushing her up the slope toward a climax.

As her thigh muscles started to tremble and her insides to contract, he withdrew and stepped back, smiling into her needy eyes. “Pretty Linda.” He paused for a second. Then his voice grated lower. “You make me happy, girl. Happy to fuck you.” He cupped her cheek and gritted out, as if he drew the words from a bottomless well, “Happy to be with you.”

Her heart melted into slush, pooling in her chest. “Sam,” she whispered.

“No talking, missy. Moaning is allowed…if you’re able.”


He firmly positioned her on her knees and forearms, head down. He yanked her butt up into the air. “Stay there.” When he picked up the chain dangling between her breasts, she squeaked at the sharp bite from the nipple clamps. He put the chain in her mouth. “Don’t let go.”

Hastily, she bent her head so the pull on the clamps stopped, then looked up at him through her lashes. Expression unyielding, he held her eyes, and her whole body sparkled to life.

His lips twitched. “Eager, are you?” He ran his hands down her back to massage her bottom. Warm and caring and wonderful. The hum in her head, in her veins, deepened as if she were falling down a steep slope.

He slapped her bottom lightly at intervals, and she wanted more. Wanted him inside her. Her core felt hollow.

Then he took a flogger from his toy bag. The scent of leather was heady as he ran the strands over her, like tiny fingers trailing on her back and bottom. The falls struck, pattering against her skin. She kept her head down, savoring the massage-like thumps and glorying in it as he hit harder and pain blossomed on her skin. Only it wasn’t pain but a driving pleasure. Then down to her thighs and bottom. She moaned as more layers of herself seemed to peel away.

“Good girl,” he grated in his harsh voice. “You can take this. Want this. Moan for me now.” The flogging grew harder. Each blow surged through her in a sensual inferno, sizzling straight to her pussy and clit, making her insides clench. His laugh affected her the very same way.

He tossed the flogger back onto his bag and removed something else. Gripping her thigh, he pushed a finger inside her. Her vagina clenched around the penetration. Needing. Needing. She moaned.

“Want something in there, girl?” His chuckle was low. Ominous. “At least until I can get there myself?”

She did. Oh, she did. How slutty she was. But it felt so good to simply need with nothing else involved.

Something slid into her vagina, fairly wide, then smaller so it would stay in. Vibrations hit, and her back arched. As her head lifted, the chain in her mouth jerked on her nipples, and the sharp bite of the clamps almost made her come. “Ooohhhh.”

His rough hands ran over her shoulders and ass before he nipped the back of her neck. His low voice rumbled in her ear. “Sounds like you’re in a good place, girl, and ready for more.”

She couldn’t talk, not with the chain. Her careful nod satisfied him.

He reached under her, fondling her breasts, reminding her how they were bound, making them throb with the pressure inside.

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