“Yeah, but they get along so well and they have so much in common.” Dad and Fiona met at an AA meeting. Jet knows her better than I do, since he still takes Dad each Thursday. But I like her. And, more importantly, so does Dad.

Thursdays must be popular nights for addicts, I think randomly, remembering that it was on a Thursday that I met Jet all those months ago.

“Yes, they do, but they’re taking it slow. Which is smart. You know that.”

“Yeah, I know that.”

“But I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up together like that.”

“Neither would I. And they have you to thank for it.”

“Why is that?”

“If you hadn’t started taking Dad to those meetings, or if you’d stopped after we got back together . . .”

Jet shrugs again. “It’s best for you if he still goes, which means I’ll take him as long as he needs it. Or as long as he wants me to.”

“I think he enjoys you going with him.”

“Nobody should have to go through that alone.”

“Now he has you and Fiona.”

“One big happy family.”

My heart swells at the way he says that. “Yes, one big happy family.”

“What do you think of this room?” Jet asks as he drags me to the end of the hall into an enormous master suite.

“It’s gorgeous!” I say, walking by the bank of windows to the right. I circle around to the bathroom and adjoining dual walk-in closets that are bigger than my current bedroom.

“Could you live here?”

“Of course! Who wouldn’t love to live here?”

Jet takes my hand and pulls me back toward the windows overlooking a lush green backyard, replete with a brick patio and an outdoor fireplace. “Could you live here with me?” he asks, turning me to face him.

My heart speeds up and my mouth goes dry. “Why do you ask?”

“Fiona knows the contractor who built this house. It’s only been finished for about two weeks. She talked him into letting us look at it before he puts it on the market. It’s ours if we want it. If you want it.”

I’m shaking as Jet turns me toward the windows again, coming around behind me to cross his arms over my waist. “Please say yes. I want to wake up beside you every day in this bedroom. I want to have breakfast with you every morning in that kitchen. I want to pick out paint and turn one of the spare rooms into a nursery. And, one day, I want to marry you right there,” he says, pointing past me to the beautiful backyard, where I can now see my father and Fiona waving up at us. “Say yes, Violet. Say you’ll live here. With me.”

I feel Jet’s lips brush the curve of my neck, his arms tightening around me. I turn in them, clasping my hands together at his nape. “I can’t think of a more perfect life than the one you just described.”

His smile is brilliant, and his eyes shine with a happiness that is mirrored in my heart. “Is that a yes?”

I return his smile, my soul bursting with a joy I never even dreamed of, much less sought. “That’s a big yes!”

“Then let’s go down there and welcome your Dad to our new house and get them the hell out of here so we can sneak back in and properly christen this room.”

He ducks his head and his lips meet mine in a kiss that would steam up the windows if it were colder outside. I’m breathless and achy by the time he finishes exploring my mouth.

“Does that mean you’re not tired of me yet?”

“I could never get tired of you. I’m addicted. Hopelessly, shamelessly, undeniably addicted.”

“Then I’m happy to be your enabler.”



Addiction has never looked so promising.

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