With this in view he took her out for a walk, a custom of his when he

wished to say anything specially impressive. Their way was over the

top of that lofty ridge dividing their woodland from the cider

district, whence they had in the spring beheld the miles of apple-trees

in bloom. All was now deep green. The spot recalled to Grace's mind

the last occasion of her presence there, and she said, "The promise of

an enormous apple-crop is fulfilling itself, is it not? I suppose

Giles is getting his mills and presses ready."

This was just what her father had not come there to talk about. Without

replying he raised his arm, and moved his finger till he fixed it at a

point. "There," he said, "you see that plantation reaching over the

hill like a great slug, and just behind the hill a particularly green

sheltered bottom? That's where Mr. Fitzpiers's family were lords of

the manor for I don't know how many hundred years, and there stands the

village of Buckbury Fitzpiers. A wonderful property 'twas--wonderful!"

"But they are not lords of the manor there now."

"Why, no. But good and great things die as well as little and foolish.

The only ones representing the family now, I believe, are our doctor

and a maiden lady living I don't know where. You can't help being

happy, Grace, in allying yourself with such a romantical family.

You'll feel as if you've stepped into history."

"We've been at Hintock as long as they've been at Buckbury; is it not

so? You say our name occurs in old deeds continually."

"Oh yes--as yeomen, copyholders, and such like. But think how much

better this will be for 'ee. You'll be living a high intellectual

life, such as has now become natural to you; and though the doctor's

practice is small here, he'll no doubt go to a dashing town when he's

got his hand in, and keep a stylish carriage, and you'll be brought to

know a good many ladies of excellent society. If you should ever meet

me then, Grace, you can drive past me, looking the other way. I

shouldn't expect you to speak to me, or wish such a thing, unless it

happened to be in some lonely, private place where 'twouldn't lower ye

at all. Don't think such men as neighbor Giles your equal. He and I

shall be good friends enough, but he's not for the like of you. He's

lived our rough and homely life here, and his wife's life must be rough

and homely likewise."

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