"Did you not hear her? Taunt my ears not with words of black charity, for I will have none of it."

Jerra overheard this last exchange, and accosted the two who had spoken out of turn. "Do you not know who it is whom you have spoken ill against? She is the wife of Anest, apprentice to Belloc, who is friend and ally of the King himself. I- speak no more! Do you hear me? You have spoken out of turn to our captain as well. If she asks me to, I will slay the both of you out of hand!"

All within earshot were stunned by this last remark, though some were glad this exchange had brought matters out into the open and dealt with them. Jerra was well-liked and respected, and seldom known to raise his voice in anger. The offenders moved quickly to the front line to assuage any doubt of their fidelity, and others who might have spoken in their place reconsidered their position on the subject.

This was well, for the enemy was drawing near again, though it appeared they meant to parley.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Lily peered from her hiding place. Anest had his back to her, and leaned on his sword, which was stained red. Dorain and Brogan stood close to each other, but they watched something down the hill. Lily had never seen gnomes or goblins before, and their presence preceded them like darkness. Seeing them, she was struck with horror. The gnomes were small and fierce, their eyes glittering like yellow sparks. The goblins behind them had features like horrible caricatures of elves, with overly long pointed ears and long pointed noses. Their skin was wrinkled and grey, like the underbelly of a spider, and their wispy, pale hair was either the white of cobwebs or the dull grey of ashes.

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