After climbing a steep rise for about twenty minutes the road crested, then began to slope downwards, taking a more westerly direction. Presently, they could see the light of day ahead as the road wound it's way back out of the edge of the Black Wood, and into the shallow valley cut through it by Stony Brook, which in turn was banked with bare deciduous trees. They were no sooner out of the wood when Lily's eye was caught by movement among the bare branches of a

nearby maple. Anest followed her gaze.

"Ah, so you've spotted our friend, the raven," he said.

"Yes," said Belloc. "It bodes ill, I'm afraid. We're being watched."

Brogan said nothing, but put a hand to his sword. Even Belloc wore a sword openly, to Lily's surprise. She herself now wore a long curved dagger, and her unstrung ash bow was kept ready along the side of the saddle. Brogan too carried a bow, but unlike Lily's his was a huge longbow of yew which he carried on his back with a quiver of long, grey arrows.

The column halted. They had reached the ford at Stony Brook.

For Lily's sake, Anest said, "Here, we cross Stony Brook, which marks the beginning of the foothills of the Blackcrest Mountains. As you can see, the land rises here. Beyond these hills is South Valley, through which the White River flows. There is a bridge fortress on the river that is part of the Old Road, and that is our first destination along the way." Copyright 2016 - 2024