Something was wrong here, but it wasn't the Vhurd-aq. Something had suddenly come between herself and Anest. Her tension must have reached him, for he turned to look at her, and for an instant, he looked a total stranger . . .

There was an air-shuddering thrum of power followed by a blinding flash. Belloc had raised his staff and the eyes of the Vhurd-aq sent out a piercing white light that limned everything with an argent corona, silencing the gloom and turning the evening itself into an eldritch chiaroscuro of damp darkness and wizard's fire. Then, facing skyward, whirling the staff about him like a mace, the wizard sent a deafening blast of power coruscating into the clouds above, aftershocks of its argent might flickering and tintinabulated through the heavens for several long moments.

It was a moment before the others realised that the rain had stopped. As they stood rooted in amazement, Belloc strode past them towards the house, saying,"Theurgy is hungry work. Come along, my friends, isn't it time for a bite?" Pip and Mullen bounded ahead of him with alacrity, and he was followed by a silent Caspar, and a mistrustful Burli.


She stared up at him searchingly, fearfully.

"Lily? What is the matter?" His open concern got through to her. Whatever had stood between them moments ago was gone. It was only Anest before her after all, unchanged. "Anest?" She breathed with relief. "Didn't you feel it?" Copyright 2016 - 2024