There was a shrill horn call, and the enemy began to retreat back over the bridges. Baldric ordered all his troops to fire at the far side of the river until the enemy withdrew out of range. Then, he ordered all but two of the bridges set on fire.

Piter ordered the bodies of the enemy thrown into the river. Amongst the dead were several elves, shot with black arrows. They were buried on higher ground, and a cairn of stone laid to mark the place, to do them some honour.

The number of dead goblins and gnomes was appalling. Some five thousands lay dead. Several were wounded and still living. Baldric had a few of the least injured brought before him; two gnomes and a goblin. The rest he released.

Through an interperator, he said, “Who is the man-traitor who leads you?”

They were silent, as if expecting at any moment to be killed. The goblin glared at him with carious yellow eyes. The gnomes were sullen and afraid.

“You, gnome,” he said to the smaller and younger of the two gnomes. “What is your name?”

“Ch... Chuka,” stammered the gnome.

“And who is the other?”

“I am Keet,” said the other gnome. “The goblin is Bizak.”

“Are you... are you going to kill us?” said Chuka. Copyright 2016 - 2024