They would have passed by this landmark, were it not that a hooded figure sat upon the stair, watching them from the depths of its hood, smoking a pipe.

Niles and several of his vanguard encircled the structure and came to a stop. The figure sat idly, puffing its pipe, watching them. Niles dismounted and approached the figure, slowly. "Hail," he said. "This is a poor place to wander alone. What is your purpose here?"

The figure said nothing, but watched Niles from the shadows of its hood with eyes that were disconcertingly keen. Niles drew closer, trying to ascertain something of the figure's nature. "You have obviously travelled here afoot," said Niles. "Have you provisions? Do you know this place?"

The figure remained reticent, watching Niles in a manner that made him uncomfortable, and was beginning to make him angry. Abruptly, Niles turned away and strode back towards his horse.

"I believe you are looking for me, Niles of Astargoth" said the figure.

Niles drew his sword in one fluid motion at the sound of his own name, and several of his men drew their bows and trained arrows on the figure.

"Who are you?" Niles demanded. "How do you know my name?"

"I know all who seek me," the figure said, and all within earshot heard something fatal in its voice. "Those who seek me know my name." Copyright 2016 - 2024