By the time the sun was high above, the returning scouts reported no further activity from the east. Akaru greeted this news with mixed feelings. The way was clear to the remains of the stone arch that marked the beginning of the road that wended its way into the heart of the Burning Lands. Akaur surmised that it might take the enemy some time to amass another force.

After the noon hour had passed, they set out after the goblins at a liesurely pace. Even so, by the following afternoon the enemy was within sight. Rather than bodily attack, they made strafing passes at their rear, using their longbows to the greatest effect, staying out of the range of the short goblin bows.

The goblins did not turn to attack, as the horses made the soldiers seemingly untouchable. They had no choice but to advance, knowing full-well they were being herded to their own slaughter.

As the following day dawned, the goblins' progress was abruptly halted as they caught up with the gnomes that had preceeded them. The trap sprung, the gnomes were held to a standstill at a narrow bottleneck.

Without hesitation, Akaru signalled the charge formation. The foot soldiers holding the gnomes in check could be seen now. They had formed a wall of bowmen four deep across a narrows. The first row lay on their bellies holding crossbows. The second row, also holding crossbows, knelt just behind. The third row crouched, longbows in hand, and the fourth stood, also holding longbows. Copyright 2016 - 2024