Belloc took a small leather pouch out of a hidden pocket from within his robes, and poured what looked like glittering gold sand into his hand. The sylph watched his movements with uncomprehending fascination. Belloc then spoke some low words over the golden sand and it melted, turning silver, mirrorlike.

"Now, hold her very still," he told Anest, who wrapped his arms around her, as much as for reassurance as to keep her from moving.

Cupping the silver liquid in his palm, Belloc carefully raised his hand to the level of the girl's eyes, which reflected the argent light. Then, with a quick movement the wizard pressed his palm against her forehead.

Light seemed to explode inside her mind. With a gasp, her eyes went wide in shock, her body went rigid; then she fainted dead away.

Through a dim patina of nausea, she came to, staring up at the listless sky. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she found that her head was pillowed in Anest's lap. Turning her head, she saw that Belloc watched her with concern.


"You . . . you can speak! I would not have thought such a thing was possible! Are you all right? You gave us quite a scare, fainting like that. I mean . . ." Copyright 2016 - 2024