These northern reaches were almost entirely devoid of the peoples of the Four Kingdoms, save for Belloc and his household. Of the latter, there were Caspar and his two sons Mullen and Pip. They tended the stables, garden, and farmland. And there was old Burli, the carpenter cum fletcher and blacksmith cum armourer. Much of his time was spent making arrowheads, shafts and spears, and he supplied the soldiers of Normandon and Brand who often purchased a whole entire cartload to replace those they had used.

High atop a hill overlooking Belloc's property was a stone building that by long habit of soldiers was referred to as The Guardhouse. There were always a small number of soldiers, usually from Brand, stationed in the Guardhouse. They were preoccupied mainly with watching the Old Road, an ancient highway of Elves and Men now often used by goblins and evil rockgnomes entering the Four Kingdoms from the North. These same denizens often trespassed on Belloc's property with a mind to stealing a foul or goat, so the location of The Guardhouse was benificial to soldier and Belloc's household alike. Caspar's dogs were most often sufficient to dissuade unwanted guests, but the gnomes and goblins were becoming more aggressive of late, and there were more sinister creatures lurking about at night, in the Wood as well as on the Old Road. Copyright 2016 - 2024