"Go now to Alin, and see to your defences! But do not commit yourselves to staying the onslaught that will come. In the end, strive to preserve yourselves! Strive to survive!" He fixed the elven harwynglaive with a look that cause her to go very pale, her eyes to fill with tears of anguish. "When the time comes, young shieldmaiden of Angorain, you must put up your sword for good and all, and depart these lands! There is sorrow for you here, and much pain . . . and bitter will be the final parting. But when the time comes . . . you must leave!"

Trembling, trying to control the emotion that racked her, she choked out a single word:


Quietly, Belloc replied, "When the time comes, that question will have answered itself. The reasons will have become clear to you as well, as will the road that will then lie before you. That said, when the time does arrive, I caution you not to hesitate; not for an instant! There will be time aplenty for tears, in the far countries and in the years to come." Into her anguish, he said quietly, "In these troubled times, I see little, and prophesy even less. But, trust me in this." He held her

gaze a long moment. "In this, I prophesy."

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