The egress from Lund was not a secret, but it was so well-concealed and so seldom used, that during nighttime its use went undetected by the city's inhabitants. It was never used by day. The passage lay underground, and ran directly from the Great Tower to a place outside the city's walls- an iron door at the base of a knoll, surrounded by a thick copse.

To their right the land rose, and in the moonlight they began the climb. And then, with a curt gesture, Belloc brought them abruptly to a halt. There, in the moonlight, a lone rider awaited them atop the rise. Quick as lightning, several soldiers drew their bows. Brogan almost cried out in protest, but steeled himself to silence.

At a gesture from Belloc, the figure approached, and the soldiers stared in wonder, for as it drew near, they could see that it was an elven harwynglaive of Angorain. When the figure drew near, it cast back its hood.

It was Dorain.

"Your presence here is ill-advised," Belloc said in a tone of voice that turned Brogan's insides to ice. "If your explanation does not satisfy me, I will give the order, and you will be slain by arrows. Even should you be wounded, you will not be shown mercy, but instead will be run through with sword until you are dead. Have I made myself plain to you?" Copyright 2016 - 2024