"Not if you were to come unexpectedly to their aid," replied Akaru.

"What are you saying?" said Anest. "That this Council change its plans?"

"At present this Council is doing exactly what Morlock expects it to do," said Akaru. "If we are to survive, then we must do the unexpected."

"What do you propose?" asked Celedhan.

"I propose that we do not repeat the history of a beaten people," Akaru told them pointedly. "There is an ancient road that runs due north from the ancient city of Nith-"

"I am aware of it, as you well know," Belloc said thoughtfully, an eyebrow raised. "And I see what you intend. The way would be fraught with risk . . . yet if an army were successful, and was able to manage such a circuitous route unscathed, then they would gain a decided advantage." He nodded to himself. "It is a dangerous gamble you propose."

"It is a gamble, admittedly," Akaru told Baldric, "but you could arrive at Morlock's castle days before Niles and his men by circling north and east around Morlock's armies. You are taking, as I recall, easily as many with you as Niles. In this way, you could arrive on Morlock's doorstep with double your original strength-- as many as four-thousands."

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