If Julina heard her, she gave no outward sign.

For five days they sailed east before coming in sight of the Devil's Horn. The Horn was well named, for its jagged standing rocks protruded like broken, black teeth for a great distance out into the sea.

The eleven ships followed in tandem, led by the ship piloted by Bix. They were headed for the gap in the Horn that Bix had discovered and navigated through twice before. As they approached the spot, several of the crew leaned over the bow and sides, watching for rocks, or dropping weighted plumb-lines, testing constantly the waters' depth.

"Steady lads!" Bix shouted as they approached the reef. The entire company scarcely dared to breathe as the rocky spine of the Horn become visible beneath the water. Rhia felt an urge to lift her feet, as though in doing so the ship would somehow lift its keel higher over the rocks.

Bix took the helm himself, and had the ship shorten sail until it moved at barely a crawl. Though the reef appeared just below the surface of the clear waters, she passed over without so much as a bump or a scrape.

Bix then turned the ship to the northeast and shouted, "Full sail!" He then ordered his signalman to guide the ship following. They did so, using small coloured flags.

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