"Why are you needed in Lund?"

"I'm not sure. There is some sort of trouble in the far east, and that in itself is cause for concern, for it is from the east that ancient Morag met its end.

"Strangely enough, Garnak had little besides rumour and speculation to relate, and that in itself would have been enough to give me pause, for the rumours themselves came originally from the elves of Normandon. Yes, isn't that odd. Since when have the elves required secrecy?"

They were interrupted by a call from Pip that supper was ready. Leaving the matter for the time being, they made their way from the study to the dining room and seated themselves at the huge oak table. The sylph hung back at the entryway, watching them with uncertainty. Anest arose from his seat to escort her to a place beside him. She sat down awkwardly, obviously baffled by this strange ritual. Belloc noted with some amusement the others' discomfort at the girl's nudity.

Fortunately, for once, the sylph belied more curiosity than fear as Mullen began dishing out food.

When he came to the sylph, he cleared his throat to get Belloc's attention, and said awkwardly, "Beggin' your pardon, master Belloc, but what does she eat?"

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