A tall man in long robes and high collar arose from a chair in the dark recesses of the room and approached the table, acknowledging the Steward with a nod, though to Lily it seemed that he contrived to subtly usurp Baldric's authority in doing so.

Long having lived in Darrow's shadow, Vale seemed unaccustomed to the open scrutiny of the assembly. In fact, there were many who didn't trust him, if based only on his appearance. His small bald head, forked beard, long eyebrows and deep-set eyes gave him a sinister aspect, and Lily found that she instinctively feared this man. There was something about his carriage and bearing that spoke of greater influence and authority, if not power, than a mere wizard's assistant.

"As I'm sure you're all well aware," he began in a deep bass voice, "our ignorance of the Burning Lands and beyond is almost complete, and our attempts to explore that region have always ended in disaster.

"We have always known certain things about the region. For instance, beyond the Burning Lands lies an ocean that can plainly be seen from atop the Great Tower of Lund.

"Yet of the Burning Lands themselves we know very little. We know more about the ocean beyond, for solitary travellers have seen it first hand and lived to tell the tale. And there are tales of an island of dragons on that ocean. Tales, but very little real information.

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