"It is true," said Dorain, reluctantly. "that if I possessed such an artifact, I would probably destroy us all trying to use it to bring victory over the enemy. Yet though it is not intended for such work, such power, in itself, remains a strong temptation."

By late afternoon, they were met with more good fortune: a company was met upon the road whose intention was to head north. Instead, they escorted Belloc's company to within the outskirts of Lund before resuming their journey.

Here, Belloc's entourage met many companies small and large, coming from and going to the fortress city, for this was the mustering point for all the forces of the Four Kingdoms that opposed the evil to the east.

Lily was so overwhelmed by the sight of the city's high walls and throngs of people that Anest plucked her off her horse and sat her in front of him. She quickly pulled his cape about her and buried her head.

"What an odd thing courage is," said Dorain, laughing. "Our dear Lily runs from her friends, yet stands firm against a host of foes."

The sight of Lund was enough to lighten the hardest heart. Yet Amrhost appeared uncomfortable as he gazed upon the Four Kingdom's main defence. Noticing this, Damond moved to ride beside him. Brogan too had noticed the northerner's reaction.

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