preserve it.

There is no choice but to bear whatever life brings, she thought. And what would I do without Anest's love? Where would one find refuge if the darkness were everywhere?

The faint hills and evergreen trees passed as shadows in an even darker cloudy night. The air was cool and moist, and the night sounds of the river were subdued. Lily wondered as she drifted off to sleep whether the night conspired to conceal the company, or something else, as they moved blindly towards it in the dark.

Eventually, the only sound was that of the creaking of several large oil lanterns which hung from posts about the rafts. But like the stoves, they remained unlighted, cold, and black, smelling faintly of oil. Soon, all but the steersmen and watchmen were asleep, and the dark passage of the night slipped by, quiet, watchful, and mysterious.

The next morning, Anest awoke to a light drizzle and a pale grey dawn. Brogan, Belloc, Celedhan, and Amrhost stood at the head of the raft, peering ahead into the concealing mists that had drifted down the sides of the river valley. They watched the shorelines as well with not a little anxiety. Rising to join them, Anest left Lily sleeping under their bundle of blankets. An elven camp cook handed him a bowl of hot stew and a chunk of bread, and indicated Lily with a nod. Copyright 2016 - 2024