"Lily has never seen so many people," she replied. "She's a little overwhelmed."

Anest sat down between them and took Lily's hand. When he had her attention, he said, "Did you tell Dorain about Amrhost?" She smiled wanly and put her head on Anest's shoulder.

"Dorain told me a place to kick him if he tries something."

"I she," replied Anest in a carefully neutral tone. "Have you been discussing anything else?"

Lily reddened slightly. "Well . . . woman things."

"Woman things? Like what?"

"Anest!" Lily exclaimed, turning a shade redder.

"Go, rejoin the menfolk!" Dorain said, shooing him away. As Anest returned to work, smiling thoughtfully, Dorain's wink was not lost on him.

Anest sought out Brogan who was speaking with Damond of Brand. Damond grinned broadly at Anest's arrival, and said, "It's been a few years. I hear you're still a terror with a broadsword."

"Damond!" Anest exclaimed. "I thought the name was familiar. The beard threw me."

Damond rubbed his short red beard in mock-thoughtfulness. "What beard? I just haven't had a chance to shave in over a month. What's this about your getting married? I thought you were always going to be a lone wolf, although she's such a pretty little thing. I doubt that any man in his right mind could have resisted her."

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