The snowcapped Vorduhn mountains loomed before them now, and the valley of the River Grey was clearly visible, as was the Bridge Fortress, which was almost within reach along the Old Road.

They could hear the harsh, guttural cries of the enemy now, and turning in their saddles they could see that the enemy numbered perhaps as many as a hundred.

Suddenly, the goblin riders began whooping to their mounts, and they swept out in a wide arc to engulf the small company, moving with such speed as scarcely to be believed.

Waving the Vhurd-Aq above his head, Belloc brought the company to an abrupt halt. Shouting strange words of power, and standing in his stirrups, he brought the ancient periapt to life, its eyes shining like twin suns. With an arcane flourish and a cry like a tantara, he sent blinding argent gouts of wizard's fire into the wet grass of the plain surrounding the company. Immediately, the grass began to burn with a loud buzzing like millions of angry bees. The sound and feel of it made

their flesh crawl, and Lily covered her ears reflexively. Black smoke began to rise from the fire, concealing the company's whereabouts.

At Celedhan's direction they dismounted, and the elf warriors fanned out in a circle around the company, taking out their ash bows and stringing them. As the fire began to burn in earnest, they readied themselves for the goblins' onslaught. Heedless of the burning grass, the goblins came charging through on their mounts, loosing deadly black arrows as they came. Thrusting Lily behind him, Anest drew his broadsword and stood to meet the attack. He didn't see Lily as she leaned her weight on her ash bow, strung it, and shouldered her quiver. The first rider that Anest confronted went down, crushed under its own mount, a familiar-looking arrow protruding from the throat of its steed. Copyright 2016 - 2024