Lily lowered her gaze to the floor. In a quiet voice, she said, "I can't face him. Not with this. These people are his friends. He has taken on enough by allowing himself to be held responsible for my life. I can ask no more of him."

"You miscomprehend!" said Dorain, angry now for Lily's sake. "The hatred of my countrymen is without reason. At some point they will have to answer for their prejudice. Regardless, this has nothing at all to do with your relationship with your husband."

Lily was not convinced. "People died because of me. Brogan was hurt. Anest had to save my life, and I did nothing-"

"You were not the cause of anyone's death or injury," interjected Dorain. "The enemy seeks to destroy us . . . All of us . . . including you. Now, if you're finished torturing yourself, stop and sit down."


"But nothing! Sit."

Lily did so.

"Now," the elven harwynglaive told her, "listen to me carefully. You are distraught and disheartened by the things you've experienced in these past few days. All of it is unfair. You've you've deserved none of it."


"Do not interrupt! It is enough that you are having trouble dealing with all this unwonted pressure. Do not compound this further by harming yourself with doubt, or believing that your treatment is condign. Those who have spoken against you have done so out of ignorance. The day will come when they will greatly rue their behaviour, for we are all in this together. To their credit, they fight the enemy every day, and have done so all their lives. The best way you can help us is by simply Copyright 2016 - 2024