He led Anest to a small room in the easternmost turret which had a commanding view from southwest to northeast. The room was filled with odd paraphernalia; phials of rare potions, small wooden baskets containing various bits of unknown things, crystals, rare stones, bottles containing mysterious powders and substances, books and scrolls were everywhere, and mounted on an ornate stand of bronze, a huge ball of purest crystal. This last dominated the centre of the room like a shrine, and young Anest, his eyes growing very big, felt something emanating from it that was eldritch and frightening.

It was power.

"One day, when you are skilled enough, you will find this crystal very useful," said the Wizard to appease the young man's curiosity. "But for now, the use of such power would be perilous to one as unskilled and unknowing as yourself. Observe."

Speaking some low words in a language that Anest did not understand, with both hands, as though he conducted a symphony of magic, Belloc made an arcane gesture over the crystal. From within it came images of far off places, some of which Anest recognised as being within the Four Kingdoms. There was a mighty fortress with a great tower, which could only be Lund that guarded the sole entrance from the Four Kingdoms to the east.

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