“Since when?” Jenna’s perceptive stare pins me from across the room. “Unless this isn’t about Brent at all.”

I look away from her eyes. “I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.” But I do. I know exactly what she means. And she’s right.

“Camille Elizabeth Hines, are you still thinking about that guy from last night?”

“No! What guy?”

Jenna’s mouth drops open and her eyes get wide. “You are!” She slides off the bed and walks toward me, her hands on her hips. “You’re still thinking about that hot guy from the bar.”

“You’re crazy. I have—”

“You are such a liar! I know you too well, Cami. Tell the truth.”

I turn toward her and lean against my vanity. “Okay, so what if I am? It’s not like I’m ever gonna see him again. What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that you finally found a guy who really does it for you. Good God, I’ve been waiting for years for this to happen.” Jenna steeples her fingers in front of her mouth, her forehead wrinkled dramatically. “My baby’s growing up.”

I throw my brush at her. “Oh, stop!”

Her expression turns serious. “Listen to me. You’re my best friend and I love you. I’m not saying that you need to chase after some guy you met once in a bar. But you should give this some thought, Cami. If Brent doesn’t make you feel all that and more, something’s wrong. I’m just sayin’.”

Deep down, I know she’s right. I love Brent, but he doesn’t turn my insides to mush or fill my thoughts day and night. But he’s a great guy who treats me well and has my father’s approval. And he’s hot. Who doesn’t like to have a hot date to kiss?

“Well,” I begin, straightening. “None of this affects our plans for the night. How do I look?”

Jenna scans me from the top of my dark red curls to my black shorts and cowboy boots.

“Hot enough to go trick-or-treating,” she responds with a wink.


Even in the dark, with only the glow from the lights around the makeshift stage that used to be the floor of a barn, I see her. The instant she walks through the gate, she draws my eye like honey draws a bee.

Her hair is all wild around her face, making me want to run my fingers through it. She’s wearing a skin tight shirt and a pair of shorts that show off the longest legs I’ve ever seen. I can’t help but get lost in the thought of what those legs would feel like wrapped around me. And the best part is, she’s with another girl. The same girl she was with at the bar. Not a guy.

“Hey, Leo,” I call to the guy setting up the keyboard. He plays for the cover band that’s entertaining in the field tonight. “If Rusty comes looking for me, tell him I’ll be right back.”

I make my way around the edge of the crowd, back to where Cami and her friend have stopped to watch the band set up. As I come up to her left side, she turns to look at me.

Now, I’ve got an ego just like any other guy, but I also know when a girl is attracted to me. And this girl is attracted to me.

Her eyes light up and her lips spread into the most beautiful smile this side of heaven.

“You really should stop following me,” I say with a grin.

“Apparently I can’t seem to help myself,” she replies, her eyes twinkling.

“I’m unfortunate in that way. So much animal magnetism the ladies just lose all control.”

She laughs, a deep, husky sound that makes me want to groan. “And so humble, too.”

“That’s the second time I’ve heard that today. I’m not sure what it means.”

“That you know two delusional people?”

“Most likely.”

She smiles. I smile. I could just look at her all night long.

“So, what brings you to a field party? I’m pretty sure I’d remember if I’d seen you here before.”

“Oh, really? Come to a lot of field parties, do you?”

I shrug. “Not anymore, but if I’d ever seen you at one, I would remember. Trust me.”

The glow of the stage lights is enough for me to see her blush.

“You’re really gonna have to quit doing that.”

“Doing what?” she asks coyly.

“Blushing like that.”

“I assure you, if I could avoid it, I would.”

“But then I’d just have to make it my mission in life to make you blush. By whatever means necessary.”

Her smile falters a little and her eyes dart to my mouth.

God help me!

“So, what did you say you were doing here?”

“I didn’t.”

“But you were going to.”

“Was I?”

“Well, it’s either that or you were going to take me up on my offer.”

I hear her soft gasp, even above the noise of the crowd around us. It squirms in my stomach and makes my palms itch to touch her.

She clears her throat. “Actually, I’m here with my boyfriend.”

“Damn. I knew you were too beautiful to be unattached. It’s just a shame you’re dating an idiot.”

“An idiot? Why is that?”

“Any guy would have to be out of his mind to leave you alone at a party for one second.”

“I’m not alone.”

She turns around to her friend, but she’s gone. “Well, I wasn’t alone.”

“But now you are.”

She nods her head, but doesn’t try to make any excuses to leave. She just watches me. And I watch her.

This might be the only chance you get, Trick.

I take a step closer. She doesn’t move away. “There is one thing I should’ve told you last night,” I say, taking one more step toward her. I reach out and loop one long fiery curl around my finger and bring it to my mouth. It feels like silk and smells like strawberries.

“What’s that?” she asks, her voice a little breathless.

“I don’t mind a little competition”

“You don’t?”

“No, but I hate to lose.”

“Do you lose often?”

I lean down, my face only inches away from hers. I watch those incredible eyes as they flit between my mouth and my eyes over and over again.

“Never,” I whisper.

And then I press my lips to hers. They’re soft and warm and just as lush as they look. I keep expecting her to pull away, but she doesn’t.

Deciding to make the most of my one shot, I slide my fingers into her heavy hair and tilt her head to the side. Her lips part and I slip my tongue right between them.

The inside of her mouth tastes like sugar and mint. I tease the tip of her tongue and it flirts back a little with mine. What really surprises me is when I feel her hand at my waist. Her fingers fist in my shirt. She’s holding on for dear life.

I wind my arm around her tiny waist and pull her body in close to mine. I feel her melt against me. It’s all I can do not to throw her over my shoulder and carry her off into the dark. But a throat being cleared behind me ruins my fantasy.

She tenses in my arms and I know without opening my eyes that it’s her boyfriend. I ease my head back, breaking the contact with her lips, missing it immediately, and I smile down into her eyes.

“That was worth what’s about to happen next.”

I turn slowly around to face my aggressor. His face is red with fury.

I preempt him. “All right, you get one freebie. Make it count.”

I tuck my hands behind my back and I stand there and wait. The guy looks like he has no idea what to do.

Hell, if that was my girl, I’d be on you like stink on shit.

Finally, after looking behind me at Cami, he balls up his fist and makes a passable attempt at a punch. It’s so slow, I turn my head and his knuckles glance off the side of my face. Probably won’t even leave a mark.

“Fair enough. Now, you go your way and I’ll go mine.”

I pull my hands out from behind my back and start to walk off. From the corner of my eye, I see him lunge at me. I sidestep him and he nearly loses his balance and falls on his face. When he turns around, I know it’s more about pride now, which means he’s getting ready to get stupid.

“Look, man, I gave you a free shot for kissing your girlfriend. Don’t push it.”

The guy comes at me swinging this time. I block his first punch, duck his second and then put my fist in the center of his gut. He doubles over and I lean down to speak quietly to him. “Stay down. If you don’t, this won’t end well for you.”

With that, I nod to the guy’s slack-jawed friend, wink at Cami and walk casually away.

Smart guy. He stayed down.


It takes me a second to recover after Trick winked at me. It doesn’t help when I hear Jenna mumble behind me, “Mother of hell! That was effin’ hot.” Finally, I snap back to my senses and go to Brent.

“Are you all right?”

I put my hand on his arm, but he jerks it back. “What do you think you were doing?”

In the face of the emotional hurricane that’s blowing around inside me—guilt over thinking about Trick, guilt over wanting him to kiss me, pleasure over being in his arms, disappointment that Brent doesn’t make me feel that way, shame for cheating on my boyfriend—I latch on to the one defensive thing I can find—indignation. I would call it righteous indignation, but the way I’m still trembling after Trick’s kiss, I think righteous might be a stretch. Indignation will just have to do.

“You’re mad at me because someone else kissed me? I had absolutely nothing to do with it! It’s not like I sought him out. I suppose it’d be my fault if I got hit by lightning, right?”

And that’s kind of what it felt like, like I’d been struck by lightning. Delicious, toe-curling, hair-raising, belly-stirring lightning.

“Well, it didn’t look like you were fighting very hard.”

“Did you ever consider that it might’ve taken me by surprise? I mean, it’s not like I came expecting some random guy to come up and kiss me.”

But if I’d known Trick would be here, I would’ve wished for it.

“I’m sorry,” Brent said, hanging his head a little. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Guilt stabs at my conscience again.

“Can we just forget about all this and enjoy the band?”

Brent sighs. “Yeah. I don’t want this to ruin your whole night.”

“Good,” I say with a smile, winding my arm through his. “Let’s get a drink and go watch the band.”

“Where’s Trevor?” Jenna asks as we turn to make our way to the keg.

“He’s still talking cars with that guy out front. He’ll be here shortly.”

A few minutes later, each of us armed with red Solo cups full of beer, we make our way toward the stage. The band is getting ready to go on.

They’re a local group called Saltwater Creek. I happen to know of them because they played a couple college gigs that I attended. They’re a really good cover band with a few original songs that aren’t half bad.

The lead singer and guitar player, Collin, walks to the microphone. “All right, all right, all right,” he says in his best Matthew McConnaughey drawl. “We’re one man short, but I think we could go ahead and get started if y’all can help me talk our friend, Trick, into coming up and filling in for a song or two. Come on up, Trick.”

Every eye in the crowd turns toward the foot of the stage. Trick is there. He starts shaking his head and backing away from the stage, his hands held up in a STOP sign.

“Aw, come on, man. Do it for the people. They’re here to rock and roll. Let’s give ‘em what they want.”

He’s still shaking his head, even though several guys around him are pushing him toward the stage.

“Let’s hear it for Trick, everybody!” Collin shouts. “Trick! Trick! Trick!”

The crowd joins the chant and Trick looks around, a slow smile curving his lips. For just a moment, his eyes meet mine. I look away before Brent notices.

“Yeah!” Collin yells as the crowd starts clapping.

I look back toward the front. Trick is walking onto the stage. Someone hands him a bass guitar and he puts the strap around his neck. He takes the pick and starts testing the tune of the instrument. The crowd quiets until they hear the familiar chords of Cat Scratch Fever begin to emerge. Then they go wild.

Walking to the front of the stage, Trick strums out the notes effortlessly. When his solo riff is over, the rest of the band chimes in, beginning with the heavy beat of the drum. Girls start screaming, guys start hollering and I can’t help but smile.

I’m really beginning to enjoy myself when, all the way across the throng of partiers, Trick looks up and his eyes meet mine. I am a deer caught in the headlights. I am a girl charmed by the cobra. I am breathless and mesmerized.

And then he grins.

Just like that, I’m his. Whether he knows it or not.


“I want Titan looking his best. A trainer with a syndicate out of Alabama is coming at the end of the month to look at him. I happen to know they pay top dollar for a bloodhorse and Titan is our best two year-old.”

I look at my boss, Jack Hines. His dark brown hair is styled like a man who uses hairspray, his fingernails are clean like a man who gets a manicure and his eyes are hard like a man who gets what he wants however he can.

Jack Hines. Self-made man. Millionaire. Champion breeder. Dumb ass.

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