The gym bag was stuffed full of large bills, enough cash for them to buy their own castle anywhere in the world.

"It was a game we were playing," Rhyn muttered. "This is Andre's money."

"I know. And I don't care." Katie folded her arms across her protruding belly. "We're starting over somewhere else. Okay?"

He nodded half-heartedly, unable to shake the guilt and responsibility he felt for his family being kicked out of their home. It made him hate his brothers more than ever. He wanted to refuse the mandate and destroy the fucking fortress. Teach them a lesson about what it meant to fuck with those he loved.

"Whoa, boy." Katie touched him, the way she did whenever his temper was about to blow. His emotions ceased bubbling, and his body relaxed. "No explosions. Let's just pick somewhere cool. We always said we needed more us time, right?"

"Maybe when you're not an Immortal mood beast," he said before he could stop himself.

"I'm pregnant, not a mood beast!" she snapped, eyes flashing. "You had a hand in this, too, Rhyn. Don't you forget that!"

Her good mood gone, she whirled and stormed to the wardrobe to grab more clothing.

Rhyn smiled, watching her, grateful she was safe. Maybe she was right and it wouldn't be so bad to start over somewhere quieter, away from the drama of the Immortals.

Then again, he couldn't shake the instinct that warned him something here was really wrong.

Family first, he decided. Once Katie was safe, he'd do some investigating. He wasn't perfect, but he'd always taken his duty to the brothers that hated him more seriously than any of them cared to do for him.

"You sure Hannah has to come?" he teased. "She's a mood beast and isn't even pregnant."


He laughed. With Katie at his side, they'd be all right. Somehow. Copyright 2016 - 2024