"With my life, boss," Tymkyn said solemnly.

"Hurry back," Gabriel told past-Death.

She smiled. Her features were radiant, and there was a spring in her step he'd never seen before. He watched her trail Tymkyn into the palace.

Gabriel turned his attention to the chaotic scene on the roof and in the sky. A dozen dealers were stuck in the air above the place, having been snatched by a now non-existent storm. Hundreds littered the rooftop, and he scrutinized them as he wove among them, uncertain which were dead-dead and which were frozen.

He'd seen past-Death claim souls en masse before. Closing his eyes, he envisioned the souls leaving the bodies of the dead-dead and depositing themselves at his feet. Cool power unfurled within him. The souls began to tell their stories in faint voices. He listened until the flow stopped and then opened his eyes. A pyramid of souls was at his feet.

The sheer number saddened him. While traitors did deserve Hell, he wasn't able to get over the amount of colleagues who chose to turn away from their duty and him.

It'd be easier if the dead-dead were all on one side of the roof, he thought absently.

Deidre gave a startled cry, and his gaze flew up.

The bodies of the dead-dead were being lifted by green fog and deposited on one side of the roof.

Slowly, Gabriel smiled. The power that refused to listen to him before was growing more responsive. "Bring any allies to me," he directed the magic.

The fog brought him two dozen bodies, some of which came from the surrounding forest.

"So few," he whispered, shaking his head. He scoured the faces until he saw Rhyn and relaxed, thrilled to see his best friend among the living. Kneeling beside him, Gabriel envisioned the half-demon and the others awakening. Seconds later, the men on either side of him stirred.

"What the fuck?" Rhyn sounded groggy.

"Guess who figured out how to be a god?" Gabriel asked.

"'Bout fucking time, dude."

Gabriel helped his friend up. "Got a mission for all of you," he called to the group. They were bloodied and injured - but loyal. "Every dealer in the palace and on the roof, aside from those on that side, are to be beheaded and their souls deposited into the pile in the middle."

He watched the expressions of the men as he spoke. Not one of them flinched or appeared taken aback by the order.

"The only exception: Harmony."

"Got it." Rhyn swung his sword free and strode towards the first. "Good to see you, Gabe!" he called over his shoulder with a grunt as he decapitated the first dealer.

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